chibi intermission

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Scene 1

Anubis: *walks past rwby's dorm hearing commotion* what the? *Opened the door slightly*

Ruby: *downing a bag of chocolate chips*

Phantom: *was holding a camera*

Anubis: what the hell are you doing?

Phantom: *shrugs*

As he shrugged the oven blew up and Ruby coughed out smoke

Ruby: everythings fiiiiiiiine!

Anubis: ...right?

A chibi ghost ran across screen laughing while shooting

Raiden: you sure you can hit it the target?

Weiss: yes I'm sure! *Launched herself at the target*

Kato: you missed-

Weiss: drat

A chibi Raiden sat on the floor waving

Ruby: *skipping around in the hall* hm no one's here I guess I'll just check out the court...yard *slides into the room and takes Blake's book* hmm...*examines it* Ninja's huh? *Starts reading the book and gasp* hmm! *Flips through pages* now that's a katana.

A chibi phantom runs across the screen as anubis follows after him and tackles him.

Weiss and Yang glare at each other and begin fighting

Ghost: what's even going on-

Kato: no clue brother.

Yang slapped yang away and posed in triumph

A chibi Kato rolled across the screen on fire

Blake: *frantically looking for her book* where is it?! *Messes up her bookshelf and looks to her left* uhh...ruby is that my book?

Ruby: this is filth! FILTH!!!!! *pimp slaps blake with the book*

Blake: AH! Can..can I have my book back?

Ruby: LATER!

The 5 brothers were dancing together and laughing on the screen

Anubis was in a corner punching a wall

Velvet: why is he so mad?

Ghost: he's upset he got mixed by daisuke for adding Bridget instead of sin to guilty gear strive.

Anubis: it should have been sin!

Velvet: *pets his head* there there puppy it will be fine.

Phantom: gonna make fun of him for both of these things later.

Anubis: I'm gonna hug you into submission *tackles Phantom off screen*

Velvet: oh my-

End credits-

Sorry I haven't uploaded anything guys life's been kicking my ass 😭 I'm trying my hardest but don't worry I'll be trying to write more

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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