bethune forever

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Y/N pov:

my name is y/n..i'm a transferred student from philippines, my parent decide to go to a place call..bethune lowa or something, that means leaving my hometown and friends, stuff like that sucks and happen all the time to everyone, and that means meeting new people..greeeat{sarcasm}, i just hope to meet people who i have common with.

no one pov:

y/n's parents are talking on the front seat of the car with excitement in their eyes "sweet are you ready for your new life here? cause we sure do!"

her mother luna and her father owen look at her and her siblings with a smile, y/n's little brother zac is asleep on her lap while daisy and daniel are arguing like always, soon they got to their new home

her mother luna and her father owen look at her and her siblings with a smile, y/n's little brother zac is asleep on her lap while daisy and daniel are arguing like always, soon they got to their new home

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(its 3:47 am im lazy as fxck to draw)

the moving truck is already there so they put all their things inside the house while y/n is carrying her baby brother and keeping an eye on her other siblings "well that's that, y/n sweetie why don't you explore the neighborhood? but be sure to be close ok?" said owen, he then took his son from his daughter's arm "you've been helping out a lot and you need a break" he give her some money "don't spend it all
y/n did some salute as a tired sarcasm "aye aye" she said goodbye to her dad to explore the place to pass the time.
y/n pov:
"bethune hospital..bethune gosh bethune mall? yikes..they really ran out of ideas" she walks in the mall and look at all the brand items, she notice something called resin "ohhh..i remember this, mom makes a lot of cute keychains for her small business" y/n keep strolling around but nothing seem to pick her interest, the next thing she did is going to the food court 'oh thank goodness' she sigh in relief of seeing plenty of great meal, she notice that the place is packed with people her age 'oh gosh..teenagers!! wait..i'm a teenager' y/n rolls her eyes because of her stupidity and walk to the food court, some start noticing her since no one have seen her before, y/n steady her shaky breath and goes to a hotdog stand, she got it and seat on a near table, y/n took a bite and look around for a distraction and notice a family with ginger hair, she finish her hotdog and goes to a store called dixie sensibles, she look around and purchase a black and lavender turtleneck and some leggings "i guess this will jeans and tshirts don't fit anymore.." she brought some ramen and sweet on the way home for her parents and siblings, she then bump into someone, dustin "hey! watch it!" he scold at her "dustin she didn't mean it, oh hi! you must be new from here" dustin's mother name judy smile sweetly at her, y/n smile awkwardly "y-yeah..sorry for..bumping to your son..?" dustin huff as judy chuckles "no no its fine, right dustin?" dustin cross his arms and look away "i guess"

"well my name is judy abbott, its nice to meet you" judy shake her hand "i'm y/n l/n" judy grab dustin by the shoulder " and as you might heard, this is my son dustin" dustin tries to pull away from his mother's grip "yeah whatever, mom can you let go now?" judy look at y/n as her face light up "you might be the same age as him"

"oh really? cool, buuut..anyway..i need to go home now, it was nice meeting you mrs abbott" she wave goodbye to her and walk toward her home, she notice a girl who's about 11/12 playing action figures, she look like a mini judy..meh, she ignore her and went to her hope, which is just beside the young girl's house
"please make this a good life for me.."

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