birthday forever 2

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no one pov:

they finally got to endless as they did some cool moves while getting down "HELOOOOOOooooo endless!" the endless island inhabitants gasp and ran up to them "gets more beautiful every time i see it" the number on reggie's chest soon turn to 12 "oh cool! it knows your age" said todd while pointing at it "oh yeah..i guess i'm twelve now" their bags soon fall and one hit y/n on the head "oop! sorry y/n" y/n grab reggie's bag and smile "no its fine" all the endless people cheered on twelve "twelve we missed you!" said by pretty please as twelve hug them "aw, i missed you guys!"

yoo-hoo! oh twelve!" y/n wave at them "hi swimple dan! hi gorbis" gorbis greet y/n back "hi!"
"i learned a new birthday trot just for you! i watched the tutorial" said swimple dan and start dancing for her "pss! y/n! i need your help!" it was colin "whats up bud?" colin look distress
"i forgot it was twelve's birthday, i don't have a gift! what do i do!? i'm really freaking out!!" y/n tries to calm him down and told him to just make a drawing or something or give twelve a flower as a gift, soon swimple dan finally finish his tap dancing "and..voilà!" todd tries to comfort colin as well " don't worry about it colin"

"hey guys!" colin backs away from them and start stuttering a bit "twelve, um..i swear i got you a present! it's um..its in the mail, ut hasn't come yet but i'm gonna go and check my PO box" colin laugh nervously and ran away "hey twelve" it's tasty troy who also accidentally bump into y/n's hip "tasty troy!" twelve look delighted to see him as y/n rub her hip to where she was hit "i have an extra special gift for you, it's better then everyone else" he open his drawer and there he release a tasty troy ballon "oh wow!"

"sweet! did you make this?" they all stand in silence "uh..what do you think happened?" the ballon drag twelve and her friends to who know where "woah! thanks again buddy!" she wave goodbye to him as they run and laugh "i love you twelve..yeah"

twelve let go of the ballon by accident as it sink inside of none other then galaxander "twelve!" he look really happy to see them again, twelve greets him"hey galaxander"
"what an absolute delight, i have a gift for you, gaze into my chest" the stars in galaxander's chest swirls and it shows..twelve "oh wow! is that..m-me?" twelve wasn't sure if it was her, but galaxander look upset from what he just made " o-oh uh..yeah, you know, i haven't seen you in a few weeks i sorta forgot you had hair" she walk up to him and pat his shoulder to comfort him "oh, no, you totally captured my aura" galaxander notice the bag behind twelve "oh! who is that lumpy child on your back? is he your son and may i meet him?" twelve chuckle at that "oh! that's my backpack, it's full of priceless treasures!"
"enchanting!" y/n is on the shoelace bed with todd as they relax for a bit "ugh! whats this stupid thing doing in here? i didn't mean to bring this" twelve pull out the label maker from the bag
'oop..i should have seen it before' y/n squint her eyes and close it "well you know what we gotta do? chuck it" y/n cheers at that "yeah! chuck it!"
twelve smile at the idea "great idea todd! galaxander, please step aside, i'm about to serve some justice" y/n gets off the bed to see this action along with the others "gather around! twelve is going to chuck something!" borbo shows up from the bushes in interest with swimple dan "i love when twelve chuck things!"

"how fortunate to bear witness to her mythic strength!" the others agree with him "oh yes she's very strong" twelve stretch her arms with y/n clapping for her "i once saw her karate chop a hole through a mountain" galaxander did the karata chop pose like twelve did "she helped me open this pickle jar that was reeeaally stuck!" said gorbis "she also save my marriage along with y/n!" galaxander gave y/n a pink shade as she put it on along with him "remember to shield your eyes if you're going to stare directly at her immense power"

twelve held tightly on the label maker and chuck it as hard as she can with her super strength, things starts to get windy from her "wooohooo!! you rock twelve!" y/n loudly cheer on her with her fists up, the label maker is finally gone as it flew to the sun, everyone cheer on her as y/n wrap her arm around twelve's shoulder "did THAT make you feel better?" said y/n while she point at where it was "you know what? it really did" they all walk away.

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