esther forever 1

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no one pov:

it show's bethune middle school and esther "and once the top secret trinity attained the gauntlet of the whispering ghost bear, they were able to sneak past the forest guards and save the intire realm, with the power of friendship, these three can overcome anything!" the class is bored out of their mind and half of them are even asleep, reggie and todd are laughing with each other and their silly books that they ripped off and make some holes on it "overall, i'd say only some parts felt contrived and even tho the trinity wins again, the ending feels convincingly inevitable, thanks to the use classic narrative device"

"i know you're new, esther, but here at bethune middle, we like to keep our presentations shorter then the book haha!" ms krandle laugh and check the students but they just look at her without saying anything or cracking a smile and someone give a snall cough, esther walk back to her sit with her presentation and notice reggie and todd having fun and laughing but ms krandle stop them "regina quit messing around you're up" said ms krandle as reggie grab a book out of her bag and walk to the front "okay, so in this issue of bulletproof outrage force, it's revealed that violence joe's real name is akia takada, and his body can like, absorb bullets and he saves the metal to use later-" she start dawing on the whiteboard but her teacher stop her "regina i'm sick of telling you this! no comic books, that's detention, come on i'm practically giving out A's here! alright todd you're up next" reggie sat back down with a frown as todd look at his best friend, he clear his throat and stand up fron his sit "i did not do it, i forgot" he bluntly said it out as reggie grin at him and the class laugh "of course you didn't todd, would't want you to strain yourself, but hey buddy high five for effort" she give him a fake smile "really?" todd smile "no! you can join regina in detention" esther raise her hand up and stutter a bit "u-uh ms krandle? i should probably get detention too, i, uh, forgot to write my name on my paper-" ms krandle interrupted her and point out "don't be ridiculous esther, i can see it under your hand"

-bell's ring-

reggie and todd is at detention with an unknown kid and mr christopherson "psst!" reggie look at todd and he look back as she pull out her key and he pull out his "mr christopherson?" she raise her hand up "oh-"

"can we go to the bathroom?" he rub the back of his head "i'm only supposed to let one person go at a time" todd rest his head on his hand "but we both have to pee" reggue agree "yeah, if don't go soon, we're gonna pee everywhere" their teacher panic and allow them "oh my gosh, well..okay, okay, just this once" as they both walk out theres a plastic ripping sounf "trevor, is that candy? put it away, no, don't open it!" esther quietly check the detention room and saw a kid rip open a bag of candy and it flew everywhere "trever no! uh, okay, trevor..can you just pick them up please? trevor, you're just sitting there!" esther back away a bit and walk away somewhere

-with y/n-

y/n is just sketching behind the school while listening to some music, you put your sketchbook, phone and headphone in your bag as you run back inside and put your bag in your locker except your endless wand, you walk to the bathroom and teleport to endless.

-with reggie and todd-

"okay, permanant man, you're on ny team!" twelve is holding a bat and todd is holding a bowling ball "i'll take tasty troy" tasty troy cheered for being picked "swimple dan and gorbie" swimple dan grin "mr donaldson!" he raise his arms up a bit "ooh, ohh, ohh! mermaid johnson" she gasp happily while holding a swimming pool cleaning net, todd chuckle at twelve "we are totally gonna annihilate you this time" their eyes wide and saw someone on the endless portal as a yellow dust fall down "huh? who the heck is that?"

"i have no idea" their eyes could't take off the unknown intruder, y/n ran up to them "hey tiny gremlins- woah...twelve you didn't tell me you let someone else know about this place" twelve shook her head "that's because i didn't!" y/n sweatdrop "oh no.." she look at the new person and notice they notice them too "!!" the unknown person wave and ran up to them, y/n panic and pull out a smoke bomb just in case "oh-uh, it could be trouble" twelve goes to a fighting stand, the person stop about a few feet away from them "reggie! todd!" y/n put down the smoke bomb seeing that they look harmless "who are you?"

"i'm esther! we're in ms krandle's class together" everything is quiet for a few second "a-at school?" todd finally realise her "oh yeah you're the book report girl!" y/n put the bomb back to her belt and cross her arms still with a confuse look "yeah! so isn't this place incredible? it's only my second time here but-" twelve interrupted her "uh, yeah, it us incredible it's also mine" y/n nudge her from behind "-i mean ours, how did you even get here?" twelve put her hand on her hip as esther pull out a flute "oh, with this!, i whittled it myself and then i played it,!" she blew the flute and flew back on the endless entrance with a puff of yellow "wait, what?" esther ran back to them and start panting from exhaustion "i don't know how it works, but it does!" twelve frown at esther with her eyebrows furrowed "this can't be right" y/n walk toward the endless people and talk to them for a bit "i don't know if you remember my book report, but when three kids with a special secret come together, it really means something, like we're going to be lifelong friends!" esther look excited to her newly but not official friends "ugh, hey todd can i talk to you for a sec? y/n i know you can hear me so you too!" y/n sweatdrop and walk toward her two chaotic friends "ok ok i'm coming" as she walk toward them she did the gun finger at esther "sup star girl" esther laugh nervously at the teen that she didn't notice a moment ago "ok, have a nice talk" esther wave at them "this is not okay, the last two strangers who showed up at endless tried to destroy it, she's probably dangerious too"

"dude she's in our class, she's not dangerious" said todd, y/n look at esther who is looking around a bit, borbo walk up to her "oh, you're handsome" y/n chuckle at that and look back at twelve who have a big frown "come on, let's give her a chance, we can show her around the island and then maybe-" something pop in reggies mind "yeah! that way we can keep an eye on her! and the second she tries to pull!" y/n roll her eyes "no twelve, violence isn't the answer" y/n pat her head " hey, since you're new here, how about we show you around?" reggie cross her arms while y/n pull the pink bat away from her, esther gasp with excitement "like a tour?"

"yeah!" said todd and y/n while twelve wans't sure "i guess"

-💫💜time skip💎🌴-

"that's mine, that's mine, that's really mine-" y/n shake her head and cross her arms "i'm glad she's setting boundaries, that's what good friends do! i wanna respect your space and this is a lot of space to respect" said esther with sincere to todd "hey! are you even paying attention? this is important stuff!" she showed a shoes that's connected to a banana "oh absolutely!" esther nodded at twelve "this is a special place!" she agreed to her "so special"

"and we have to take care of it" twelve put her hands on her hips while glaring at esther "hey twelve" its wade "what's going on wade?" twelve smile at them who is trying to push a couch with their head "will you help me move this to the top of the hill? i wanna be up high" y/n cooed at wade for being cute "sure thing man" twelve was about to walk up to help them but esther stop her "no, no, no, i can do it!" esther ran up to the couch while twelve frown at that, esther push the couch to attempt of moving it but no succes, esther tried to do it with her back but nothing, she elbow the couch and the couch start crying "why are you hitting me?"

"why are you hitting my friend?" esther lean back and frown at what she did "oh my gosh i'm so sorry" twelve whisper to both y/n and todd
"i told ya she'd mess things up" y/n pinch twelve on the cheek "twelve, she didn't mean to" said y'n while chairold is sobbing on the background,
twelve just groan and walk toward them "don't move esther, i'll handle them" she carry chairold with no problem "reggie you're so strong" esther compliment her

"i know, c'mon, chairold" she start helping them up to the surface while esther look a little hurt, you look at her with sympathy and gently ruffle her hair "don't sweat it star girl, she's just kinda territorial" you stop ruffling her hair and cross your arms while looking at the sky for ang danger and stuff "so you just moved to bethune right? how're you liking it?" saud todd and esther smile again "oh its good! it's just me and my parengs at home, and they work all the time so we haven't explored much, but they're really great parents, i mean, they have a lot of exoectations for me, like they really want me to do well so sometimes i need a break from the lreassure, ya know? like, i just wanna take off, to really unwind, that's why i'm so happy i found this place, so i can come back at full energy and be my best self for them" she finish her rambling as i sweatdrop at her "yeesh.." you whisper and scratch the back of your head from the information "cool, well, we're really glad you're here" you agree with him, twelve saw this and cross her arms with a frown "hm.."

"it's so pretty when you're up high" said wade to chairold.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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