"I'll see yo ass in court"

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I gasp and sit up, I see my mom

Mom: Julia?!

She runs and hugs me

Julia: Mom I missed you so much d-dad he-

Mom: I know baby... look you shouldn't be here

Julia: where am I?

Mom: Julia your dead right now you need to wake up okay

Julia: Mom but I can be with you and-

Mom: No! Chris and royalty need you, you still have to grow old and have children and get married

My mom shows me all these fights we've been going thru causing me to cry

Julia: Mom chris has hurt me so much

Mom: I know but he love you so much I feel his love for you all the time, he's going to make mistakes but trust me Julia he loves you he's THE one

Julia: Okay mama I love you I'm going to miss you

Mom: I watch over you everyday

I smile

Julia: Okay mom I'm ready I love you

Mom: I love you too baby

She pushes me causing me to wake up in the hospital with chris crying while holding my hand

Julia: c-chris...

He looks up with a surprised face

Chris: DOCTOR!!

Three doctors rush in and she me awake

Doctor: Chris please leave we need to ask questions

Chris walks out and the doctors start loading me with questions

Doctor: You were dead how are you alive?!

Julia: m-my mom

Doctor: She's not here Julia

Julia: No...she's dead I saw her

Doctor: You went to heaven?

Julia: Yes! My mom pushed me back and I landed here

Doctor: Wow ok are you feeling alright

Julia: Yes I'm just sore and tired

Doctor: No pain just soreness?

Julia: Yeah

Doctor: no headache?

I shake my head no

Julia: Can I see chris?

Chris: I'm here baby

Julia: I'm so sorry I forgive you for all of it I promise I love you so so much I'm so sorry I didn't forgive you and we've been fighting so much it's all my fault!

Chris: Hey! Stop okay it's my fault I should've told you the truth I should've never lied to you I'm so sorry

Julia: I forgive it all okay?

He nods

Mia: Sissy!

We hug so tight

Mia: I heard it all how was mom

Julia: I could tell she was happy and at peace

Mia: Thank god

I pull away and wipe my tears

Doctor: We need an X-ray for now and see how that comes out if it good we can let you go home

I nod as royalty runs in and hugs me

Royalty: Mommy....

Julia: Hi baby

Royalty: Are you okay mama?

Julia: Yes I'm okay royalty

Chris: Royalty your mom wants you to stay over her house


Chris: Royalty stop yelling!


Chris: Enough!! Your going to your mothers

Royalty starts throwing a fit crying and everything, then chris gets a text message

Chris: Common royalty


Julia: Baby it's going to be okay

Royalty starts punching and slapping chris as he picks her up and takes her outside

Mia: She sure doesn't like her mom

Julia: I guess so I've never really asked about her mother

Mia: Maybe you should

Julia: I just know chris and her would cheat on eachother a lot then they broke up

Mia: Oh gee

Chris comes back

Chris: Man I hate seeing her so that but she has to go with her mom or her moms gonna see me in court

Julia: talk to royalty about it

Chris: I did she won't listen

I shake my head, 30 minutes later I get the X-ray and it came out fine so chris took me to his house until he gets a call on the way there

Chris: What the fuck?! Ight I'm on my way

He hangs up and turns around

Julia: What's wrong

Chris: Royalty hit her mother and called her a 'bitch'

Julia: What the!

Chris: Talk some sense into her please

Julia: I'll try

10 minutes later we walk in his baby mamas house and I see them fighting on the couch like who fights with there 3 year old daughter

Royalty: Mamaaaaaaaaa

She runs to me and hugs me

Bm = baby momma

Bm: mama bitch I'm your mama

Chris: No wonder she's calling you a bitch cause you call her a bitch

Bm: Shut the fuck chris fix yo daughter!

I roll my eyes and bend down to royalty

Julia: We don't give attitude to your mother royalty You have to respect her do you understand this is not the way to talk to your mother so pinky promise your going to be good from now on

She pink promises and I kiss her forehead

Julia: Now go say sorry to your mother

Royalty walks to her mom and hugs her

Royalty: Sowwy

Bm: Chris yo ass couldn't do it so you let a rat ass bitch do it?!

Julia: Excuse me?

Bm: Bitch you heard me

Julia: You lucky your ass is Chris's baby mama cause I swear

Chris: Enough

Bm: Wanna act like you my baby's mother like no bitch u ain't

Julia: I never claimed to be! And for the record I will never be you THE mother for her because biologically your her mother but I sure as hell will treat her like my own!

She just chuckles and smokes

Royalty: Mama that stinks

Bm: Then take yo ass to your room

Royalty: But mason is in there and he smells like shit!

Chris: Language! And really?! You have another guy in this bitch with royalty

Bm: Boy you act like you didn't just bring this girl into our daughters life

Chris: Unlike mason she doesn't do drugs

Bm: Mason is a great guy

Chris: Julia makes me and royalty feel happy that's one of the reasons I keep her around! Mason he makes royalty feel what-

Royalty: Nasty

Chris: exactly

Bm: Bro your being extra

Chris: I'll see yo ass in court

I know what I had to do I secretly take a picture of her place. It had trash everywhere, drugs everywhere, weed everywhere. I grab royalty and I buckle her up in the car, I knew stuff was going down so I filmed in my pocket

Bm: No don't take her!

Chris: You have fucking drugs everywhere in that house! Royalty is going to come home to a clean house

Bm: Give her to me

Chris: Nah you and mason can stay like that royalty is mine and I will fight for her in court you bet that!

Bm: She's mine chris

Chris: You don't treat her like it so no she's not

We get in the car and drive off as royalty starts crying

Julia: It's okay royalty

We get home and chris is calling lawyers and everything so i left him alone the rest of the night and helped royalty fall asleep

Chris: Hey....

Julia: Hey

I slowly get off her bed and close the door

Julia: How'd it go

Chris: I need proof I don't have proof

I pull out my phone and show him

Chris: yes!!! I love you so much!

I giggle as he picks me up

Julia: I love you more baby

He takes me to the room and we fall asleep

Heartless ~ chris brown storyWhere stories live. Discover now