"Daddy is dead"

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Julia: Your joking

I say laughing

Rihanna: I don't know why your laughing

Julia: Bro your so fucking funny

Chris: Rihanna you shouldn't have said that

Rihanna: Why not it's not like the baby ain't finna be my step kid

Julia: The baby won't be nun to you just your boyfriends kid don't get it twisted

Chris: Okay that's enough Rihanna you know your place don't do that so you can leave

Rihanna: What the fuck Chris?!

I roll my eyes as she walks out

Chris: I apologize for her

I ignore him

Doctor: Julia Lopez

We both sit up and follow the doctor to the room

Doctor: Hi Julia how are you

Julia: I'm good how are you

Doctor: That's good and good

I nod as I lay down on the bed, she puts the gel on my belly and starts looking for baby

Doctor: Would you like hearing the heartbeat

Julia: Yes please

She turn the sound on and I hear "boom...boom...boom"

Doctor: They have a healthy heart

Julia: That's great to hear!

Doctor: The baby seems healthy would you like pics?

Julia: Yes please!

Doctor: How many

Julia: 4

She nods before cleaning the gel then leaving, I look at chris who started crying while hearing our baby's heartbeat

Chris: I'm so thankful

Julia: Me too... look no disrespect Rihanna needs to keep her mouth shut she won't be our kids step mom ever!

Chris: I know I'm sorry

I nod

Doctor: Here you have it. You can schedule the next appointment at the front desk

Julia: Thank you so much

Doctor: Of course good luck

We walk out and chris grabs my wrist pulling me back

Julia: What do you want Chris?

Chris: look...I don't wanna move on but You said we should try so imma try okay

Julia: Okay Chris

Chris: If you need anything please text me or call me

Julia: I know I will

Chris: Okay I love you don't forget that

I nod and walk to my car driving back to Kylie's house, I arrive and see Kylie talking to khloe

Khloe: Is that Julia?!!!

Julia: Is that khloe kardashain!!

We giggle and hug

Khloe: I missed you bitch where have you been

Julia: Chris he's been putting me on an emotional roller coaster

Khloe: Girl fuck him you deserve better

Julia: Speaking of I hear Tristan got a girl pregnant

Khloe: Yes! Oh my!

Julia: I'm so sorry khloe  you really deserve better

We pull away and she rubs my belly

Khloe: Your gonna have a beautiful baby

I smile as we walk inside

Travis: Khloeee bestieeee

They hug as me and Kylie laugh

Travis: Also Chris called me and told me about everything

Julia: He's making it harder then it already is it's annoying

Kylie: Look you don't need to stress while you have that baby

Julia: I know I know Rihanna she came inside the place and told me she was there to see her step son or daughter

Khloe: What the fuck?! Who does that bitch think she is?

Kylie: I know

Before I couldn't say anything, chris starts calling me

Julia: Hello?

Royalty: Daddy is dead

Julia: Royalty? Where are you?

Royalty: Home

Julia: I'm coming baby

I hang up and look at Kylie

Julia: I'll be back

I get in Kylie's car and race to the house, I get there and open the door seeing chris with a alcohol bottle in his hand. I shake him and he wakes up

Julia: You fucking scared me dick!

Chris: Julia...what are you doing here?

Julia: Royalty called me saying you were dead

Chris: Look I just wanted a sip and that turned into the whole bottle

Julia: You can't be doing this shit Chris

I grab the alcohol bottle from his hand and go to the kitchen as he follows me, I open the bottle and pour the alcohol out

Chris: No! What the hell!

Julia: ENOUGH! You have a beautiful daughter you have to take care of this is ridiculous chris! Stop ruining yourself!

Chris: Fuck bro!

He punches the wall creating a hole, he falls to the floor and starts to cry

Chris: I'm sorry

I sit next to him and hold his head in my chest

Chris: I shouldn't have done it I just miss you and it's so lonely without you here

He starts to cry harder so I rub his back

Julia: it's okay chris shhhh

Royalty walks in

Royalty: Daddy what's wrong?

Julia: Daddy just isn't feeling well

She walks to us and hugs chris

Chris: I love you guys

Royalty: I love you too daddy

Julia: Love you too

He slightly smiles as I wipe his tears away

Julia: Don't be doing that shit Chris no matter what happens I never wanna see you throwing your life away

He nods

Royalty: Mommy please stay

Julia: I will just to make sure your dad is okay, how about you watch some my little pony while I have your dad go to bed

She smiles and nod then runs away

Chris: Okay help me up

I get up then reach my hands out for him to grab, I help him walk upstairs then lay him down on the bed

Chris: I feel sick

He starts to throw up all over himself, I grabbed a glass of water and gave it to him

Chris: Thank you Julia for real

Julia: Anytime Chris

I help him change into new clothes then change the sheets

Julia: Okay try and sleep I have to wash these

He nods as I leave the room, I start putting laundry until royalty comes up to me and tells me Rihanna is at the door

Julia: Yes?

Rihanna: why are you here?!

Julia: Your boyfriend got drunk and royalty thought he was dead so she called me

Rihanna: Where is he?!

Julia: Look just let him sleep okay he's not feeling good come back tomorrow or something

She walks right in totally ignoring me

Julia: Or come in

I follow her as she busts into Chris's room

Rihanna: Get your ass up!

She says pushing Chris causing him to wake up

Chris: Rihanna leave me alone

Rihanna: No you got some bitch in your house

Chris: Bro Rihanna stop being annoying

Julia: Look just leave Chris alone come back tomorrow he's not in the right mindset

Rihanna: Fine! But im staying here tonight you can sleep on the couch

Chris: No the fuck she ain't she's sleeping with me

Rihanna: Excuse me?

Julia: You heard him imma share the same bed wit him do you have a problem with that?

Rihanna slaps me across the face, I form a fist as my anger rises up

Heartless ~ chris brown storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora