"Giovanni Alexander brown"

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I run to Makayla and see her pointing to floor with blood everywhere, chris runs in the kitchen seeing royalty's mom


Makayla: Royalty in there

She points the the cabinets and chris rushes over and sees royalty crying, he picks her up and hugs her

Chris: We're moving Julia

Julia: I'll take the girls to your moms

He nods and puts royalty down, we get into the car and I drive to his moms

Joyce: Who's this?

Julia: My daughter it's a long story but we need to move like tonight so do you mind watching them please

Joyce: Of course

I leave and drive back home and help Chris pack

Chris: Hey baby can you drive these boxes to this address

He gives me a paper and I nod as I get in the car, I accidentally drop my phone and go to reach it until someone hits the car from the side flipping the car


I was just about to tape up the last box when I got a call from Mia

Chris: Why are you calling me?

Mia: Julia... She... she was in an accident

Suddenly everything goes quiet...it felt like my world was tumbling down, I drop my phone and drive my other car to the hospital

Chris: Where is she?!

Mia: We can't see her yet

Chris: No I want to see her! I want to see my girlfriend!!

Doctor: Sir we need you to calm down


Mia: Chris stop!

I fall on my knees and start crying

Kylie: Chris...

Chris: Kylie

We hug as I cry on her shoulder

Kylie: She's a fighter

Doctor: Excuse me sir

I pull away and look at the doctors

Chris: Yes

Doctor: Are you the father to your unborn child with Julia

Chris: Yes what's wrong?!

Doctor: we had an early delivery which may cause the baby to pass away. As for the mother of your child she's in surgery she started losing lots of blood from the accident and the birth we will update you once she comes out surgery

Chris: The baby isn't fully developed tho

Doctor: Yes that's apart of the issue but if we left the baby in there they would have died

Chris: Please do everything you can to keep them both alive

He nods and walks away

Mia: I'm so sorry Chris

Chris: I don't need your pitty Mia!

Kylie: Chris calm down go get some air

Chris: My girlfriend and baby are at risk I don't need air I need to know that they're okay!

Royalty: Daddy

I turn around seeing royalty and Makayla holding my mothers hand, I hug royalty and cry

Royalty: Where's mommy?

Chris: She's going to be okay

I hug my mom

Joyce: Im so sorry baby

Chris: It's all my fault if I didn't tell her to take the boxes to the new house this wouldn't have happened I'm so sorry

Joyce: Chris you didn't know it's not your fault I promise

I pull away as the doctor walks up to us again

Doctor: Julia is okay but she is sleeping there can only be 2 people at a time

I nod and pick up royalty

Chris: we will go first

I walk into her room seeing her peacefully sleeping with a whole bunch of wires hooked up to her, royalty lays in the bed with her as I look at our baby with a bunch of wires too slowly breathing

Chris: Daddy loves you...your such a fighter just like your mother. Please don't leave me

I turn to Julia and kiss her forehead

Chris: I'm sorry

Royalty: Is mommy sick?

Chris: No baby she's just really hurt so that means we get to play doctors with her when we get home

She smiles and nods, the baby starts crying so the doctor comes in and check on them

Chris: Do you know the gender?

Doctor: It's a boy congratulations

I smile and kiss Julia on the forehead again

Chris: We made a handsome baby

The doctor walks back out. 10 minutes later Julia wakes up and starts panicking as the doctors explain the baby situation

Julia: I-Is he okay?!

Chris: Look at me

She starts crying and I grab her chin causing her to look at me

Chris: He is so handsome baby but you have to be strong for him he's a fighter like you

She nods and smiles as I wipe her tears away

Makayla: mommyyyy

I smile and grab royalty and walk out


Makayla: Mommy you okay?

Julia: Yeah guess what

Makayla: What?

Julia: Your going to have a baby brother

She smiles and starts dancing causing me to laugh

Makayla: What's his name?

Chris: I think his name should be Giovanni Alexander brown

Julia: I love it

He smiles

Chris: Mia wants to see you

Julia: No.

He nods and walks out, Kylie walks in and smiles

Kylie: Giovanni is a beautiful name

Julia: Thanks Kylie

Mia: I know you don't want to see me but I'm pregnant with Luke's kid

Heartless ~ chris brown storyWhere stories live. Discover now