→ chapter fifteen.

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Moving in with Paul was one of the best decisions she'd made in a long time. She couldn't recall ever feeling so light, so happy, since she Phased. Her contentedness bled into the Pack.

Speaking of Pack, Jared was avoiding her. Whether it was an Alpha order or because she'd bashed his face in, she didn't know. And didn't particularly care. She was happyish and that was enough.

Not even Emily being five months along could ruin her joy. Even though Leah could see how her belly protruded and stretch her T-shirts thin. Even though Emily's face was glowing with pregnancy hormones between bouts of morning sickness that often gripped her. Looking at Emily, Leah often only felt a stab of yearning for what her life could've been.

That wasn't the only person in Leah's life that she'd become dead-set on pretending didn't exist. 

Sue was another one. 

A few days after she'd gotten settled at Paul's, the tribal police showed up at the Pack house and informed her Sue had filed a missing persons report. Leah hadn't been shocked and, after some thinking, called the house.

"Mom," Leah had said, "I'm fine. I told you everything I needed to say in my letter." She'd picked at the wayward, chipping purple lacquer on her nails as she spoke.

Sue had gone quiet before she said tightly, "So this is it? You're running away because you didn't like what I said?"

"No, I left because you aren't my mom anymore. You're more concerned with Bella Swan and her father than your own kids. I left because when I wanted my mom's comfort, to tell me it was going to be okay, to be my mom, you made it clear I was no longer your priority. That Sam and Emily's happiness, that me not liking your boyfriend's daughter, that letting the Pack hurt me was more important than me. This is goodbye, Mom. Have fun with Charlie." She blinked against the hot sting of tears. Every part of wanted to add that she thought Harry would've loved to see how quickly Sue had moved on but refrained. Without another word, she ended the call and after a second, blocked the number.

For the first time in what felt like a century, she could breathe. For so long, she'd been slogging through darkness, trying to outrun the guilt and pain that had been encompassing her, tried to ignore the anger and resentment that colored her world view.

Until she cracked.

Until everything came flooding out her, a torrent that wouldn't stop, and now she was healing.

Things weren't perfect but they were better.


"So what do you think?" she asked Paul as she approached. Her hair, which had been a messy bob since her Phase, was now a short pixie cut that fluffed around her head. It was equal parts chic and sexy, and she knew he wouldn't pull any punches with his opinion. He was painfully truthful, even if got him punched a few times.

Paul looked up and gave a loud wolf whistle that made her cheeks burn with embarrassment. His grin was roguish and wolfish, hungry, and his eyes scanned over her appreciatively. Getting the whistle and blatant eye-fuck from him was the highest compliment. Since she'd Phased, her body had lost a lot of it softness, and between her added height and muscles, she'd felt like a freak. He, obviously, saw no faults within her new figure.

"Holy shit," he said, "you look hot."

She punched him in the arm as she sat down on his leg, content. Her body hummed at her Pack brother's comfortable touch. The Pack thrived on touch—it was their love language—but, since she'd been so angry, she'd become touch-starved. Paul and Embry both remedied it, and together the three formed a tight knit bond that often drew looks. They couldn't see to keep their hands to themselves, finding ever excuse to touch one another, and it was purely platonic. Like pups in a litter.

The boom of Jake's booming voice made everyone alert and fall silent. Like every Alpha before him, he exuded a dominating, imposing aura and held everyone's attention. "Bella Swan intends to be changed and join the Cullens."  

"What does that do for the treaty?" Leah asked, staring at him, as Paul's hand tightened across her belly.

"It's a willing change. The Council and I have discussed it and we see no reason to attack. She wants to be a vampire. It's a choice—her choice. And even though we don't like it, we must honor it."

Paul rested his chin on her shoulder and demanded, "And what about the treaty? Is it still in place?"

She met Jake's dark eyes.

"Yes, it is. The treaty says bite and change but never says anything about a willing victim. Who are we to stand in that?" A wave of angry whispers filled the room but he raised his hand to silence the outrage. "We've amended it to exempt willing bites. I know it's our duty as the Pack, to protect humans, but there are times that we must change." He paused. Then turned that gaze on her. "But I have another matter I'd like to discuss. Leah, I offered you the beta position and you never gave me an answer."

A month or so ago, Leah would've balked at the idea, at being the Alpha's second-in-command, of being under another's rule once more. But now it was enticing, seducing her, all that power, that freedom, that authority. Mostly it was the freedom.

"What happens if I accept? What changes?"

"You'll become my second-in-command."

"What does that entail?"

Paul went still against her back, his heart pounding against her shoulder blade. His grip was crushing and bruising, but she didn't pay it any mind.

"You'd have utmost authority second only to me. You would help me create attack plans, act my sounding board, my right hand wolf, my most trusted advisor."

Leah slid out of Paul's lap but he tried to pull her back. She turned to look at him over her shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. 'It's okay,' she mouthed as she squeezed his warm hands while she wiggled away. Then she turned back to Jake.

"If I accept, promise you won't ever Alpha command me."

He nodded. "I promise." He gestured her closer and clasped her shoulder, the heaviness and warmth of his bare palm on her bare shoulder making her body spark like she'd been bathed in electricity. A current ran through her body, leaving her gasping for breath at the shock of it, and the heat of his hand sank deep, into her bones. It was like shimmering gold, like lightning coursing through her veins.

His voice was little more than a croon, reverberating throughout her body. It echoed. "It's okay, Leah,"

As she gazed into his eyes, they vaulted from dark-brown to glowing gold, looking every bit as a wolf.

Her knees buckled, and he caught her, sinking to the floor with her, as her body processed the new power bestowed upon her.

The gold of his eyes seemed to shimmer and shift like liquid, a faint glow emanating from the irises.

Things were falling into place.

But it wouldn't last.

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