~Out of Almond Tofu :(~

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You two-
Ah, I mean, you three, were standing on the bridge that connects to the harbor. You were actually planning to go further but someone certain was obviously against it.

"Xiao? What's the problem?", you ask, giving him a questioning look.

"Yeah, don't you wanna go and try the tasty food?" Paimon's cheerful voice makes you hope that Xiao might tag along anyway.

However, his gaze keeps dwelling on the ground. Before you can ask any further questions, he looks up hesitantly and murmurs,"I'm not quite sure if I want to be here."

Huh? But didn't he agree to come with you just a few minutes ago?
"Xiao, you said you'd join us. You can't change what's already said."

Xiao simply stands there, as if his feet were stuck to the wooden floor of the bridge. You weren't patient enough for him to respond any further, so you took him by his hand. He let out a small gasp at the warm touch of your fingers and seconds after, he was pulled away, stumbling his way across the bridge behind you.

Paimon giggled in the back and floated after you two.

As said before, Liyue is a place with many glorious sights. One of the other beautiful places, besides Qingyun Peak, is the harbor itself. Especially during Lantern Rite. The whole harbor is like under a magical spell that lets every corner shine in a mysterious way and the floating lantern leave a sparkling trail behind. It's really worth coming!

But right now, only one single thing at harbor made your face glow in fascination;
Xiao's adorable face, as he trails his gaze over every thing that catches his interest.
It was such an amusement looking at his face, that you completely forgot about the purpose of you being here.

That's when Xiao interrupts.
He obviously noticed you were staring at him but it was a bit too awkward for him to say it earlier.

"Ahem, Y/N, is something on my face?", he asks, which utterly caught you of guard.

"Oh no, was I looking?! What do I do now...!", you thought to yourself. You don't notice how heat rises up your cheeks and there you are, standing like a lost little lamb, face red.

You try to reach out for words and end up stuttering barely something understandable; "N-no, it's just that I was wondering what dish you'd order!"

"You didn't have to stare at me so intensely, weirdo..."


You look around and see your Travel Companion glaring at you angrily.
"Are we not going to eat? I'M STARVING ><"

"Ah, right!", you say and take Xiao by his hand again,"the Wanmin Restaurant is right around the corner, let's go!"
Hesitantly, Xiao let's you grab his hand...


"Hello, good evening!"
A girl, followed by a tiny bear greets you as you make yourself comfortable at a table.

"Greetings, Xiangling!"

"Hello! How's business these days?", you ask.

Xiangling's face lights up in excitement as she says,"Great! My father and me were able to gather lots of new people who want to try my new dish!"

"Oooh, a new dish created by Xiangling?! I feel obligated to try!", Paimon grins widely.

Xiangling nods in response. "Coming right up! And what would it be for you, Traveler and-"
She takes a careful look at Xiao. "Who is this? A new customer who wants to try my new dish?!"

{ Xiao x reader } On my mindWhere stories live. Discover now