Lunch at restaurant

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You and Laxus are dating for about 8 months now and no one in the guild really knows about it since both of you decided to hide it.

He is still the stoic, serious faced Laxus everyone knows when you are in public but deep down he is a teddy bear ready to sacrifice all just for you. He even gave up on the weak/strong shenanigans because that doesn't matter to him anymore. He has you.

Today was a sunny day, a little different from other days because many decided they would rather spend time outside the guild than inside. You were among them too.

You wanted to spend some time with your boyfriend alone but nothing too cheesy. You knew he would be sitting alone at the balcony for S ranked mages and since you were one of them you were able to visit Laxus.

You went up the stairs with spring in your feet and a very bright but genuine smile. Laxus was deep in thought since he didn't notice you slowly making your way there. You sat on a chair beside him and gently tapped his shoulder.

He flicked back to reality shifting his sitting to face you while his expression softening, giving you a loving smile.

"Hey Laxus, want to go eat lunch with me?"

"How come you want it today?"

"Ahh well, everyone is out with their friends spending the beautiful day together. So I thought we can do the same"

"Hahaha y/n you sure it's a good idea for the two of us to go?" Laxus said teasingly because he knew you don't want everyone to know yet. You won't be able to handle the constant teasing from others.

You chuckled at his words but you are very much stuck to the idea.

"I know what we agreed but I want some alone time with you, I miss having you for myself when we are out". You dropped your gaze to the table feeling your heart ache.

Laxus saw your expression and took your chin by his fingers making you look at him, his sweet smile never faltering.

"We can go, afterall I missed you too."

"Okay, then let me get changed and we will meet up in front of the guild in about 30 minutes. That okay with you?"

"Yeah beautiful, go get ready"

You couldn't help but giggle at the compliment. It's just lunch but you wanted to dress up for the occassion. Always being in your outfit every day is tiresome and makes this "date" look less a date and more like a hangout where no one else got the invitations.

Y/n quickly found a sweet looking outfit to wear from her closet and dressed up. Laxus waited for you in the living room standing patiently. After you came out of the room his eyes widened and he was staring at you. You couldn't help but blush under his intense gaze.

"Laxus, you are staring~"

"Oh sorry, I just love to look at beautiful things" and so he turned to the door to go out leaving you blushing heavily in the house.

He let you pick the place where you will eat and you chose a cozy restaurant close to the shore with the view of the bustling port. Once inside, he was walking behind you, being on guard to protect you from anything.

You picked the table and as you were about to almost sit on the chair Laxus caught you by the hem behind your neck lifting you up from the chair gently.

"Y/n, let me"

You have him a puzzled look and took a step away from the table to see what he meant to do. Laxus tries to hide his eye roll before he took the chair and moved it back to let you sit on it, acting like a gentleman.

You couldn't help but giggle and as Laxus went to his seat he was blushing at your feedback.

Laxus may seem like he doesn't care about things that you like because he doesn't ask for your opinion or directly asks what you like but he has big brain and remembers all that you do, even the little things. If you like olives on your pizza and you two had eaten it before, this time he will give his olives to you before you even think to ask. He knows how much it makes you happy that he shows his care and affection towards you this way and he will always try to make you happy, because you deserve it!~

Yes you do y/n!

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