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K guys, I just wanted to say how this book will continue.

I kinda ran out of ideas when it comes to Fairy tail plots, I might have few more chapters that will contain their storyline.

Other ones will likely be modern au and even angst when I think of a super cool plot that isnt cliché because I read alot of fanfics on wattpad so I kinda understand the oneshot community.

I would also appreciate if you would request a plot!

The book has so many reads (I'm publishing first time) and I didn't expect that.

Thank you very much for reading and adding this book to your library! ❤❤

BTW, I am also interested if you guys would read some general oneshot book because I watch lots of anime, tell me in comments if you would like that. Maybe it would be more fun that way 😊

Laxus X Reader ONESHOTSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant