2. WooSang: 1 Day Made Such A Mess!

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Wooyoung's POV

I don't know when it got to this point but I can't handle it. I really do miss him and he gave me no warning. We were planning a nice day for just us and suddenly he is crying and telling me that I was never actually his friend and then he tells me he doesn't need me anymore. That was about 3 hours ago and he has since locked himself in his room and won't let anyone, not even the other members. We are all super worried that he might do something he will regret later because he has never been able to handle emotions well. I walk up to his door, knocking softly, not getting anything in return.

"I am sorry I don't know when everything got so messy." I say and I feel tears well up in my eyes. I lay my head against the door and let the tears fall. I don't know how long I was standing there for but It was enough for me to spiral into some not so nice places in my deep thoughts. I was pulled out by someone pulling me into their arms.

"Woo, baby you need to come back to us. We will figure this out but you making yourself sick won't help anyone." They say and I look up to see Seonghwa hyung holding me. I tear up more and now I have come to and realized I wasn't breathing properly and it is causing my chest to hurt.

"Hyungie I can't lose him." I whisper and his eyes get soft.

"Woo hyungie, he needs time, but it will all work out it always does." Jongho says from somewhere behind Seonghwa hyung, and you can hear the sadness dripping in his voice. He is struggling, he doesn't do well with his members hurting.

"Come here Jongie, Wooie could use a hug." Seonghwa hyung tells him and he walks over slowly. He pulls me into his embrace and I feel him tense up a little as he doesn't like physical affection.

"Woo, can you tell us what even happened?" Hongjoong hyung asks from somewhere and look up and see all of my other members gathered up. I look around frantically feeling trapped and I feel myself start shaking and my chest getting tight. I can still feel all the eyes on me and I can hear myself gasping trying to get air in but it isn't working. I feel myself falling to the floor.

"Wooyoung!" Was the last thing I heard in the distance before seeing black.

Yeosang's POV

I am really worried about Wooyoung. He isn't taking this well and I can hear that it's sad to know that he is crying at the door. I can hear a lot of commotion and then suddenly. Someone yells, I jump not expecting it and then I hear Seonghwa hyung outside the door.

"Wooyoung, come on baby, wake up. Someone get me some water, he passed out." I hear him saying loudly and panickedly. I feel my chest get tight, Wooyoung is hurt right outside the door and I ignored him. I start to head to the door to open it but then remembered that Wooyoung hurt me, he neglected me and no one will understand the pain I am in. Ever since we got here years ago, it's always about San, San can do no wrong, San is amazing. I asked for one day with Wooyoung, just us and I looked forward to this all week and then this morning he drops it on me that he and San have plans. I saw red, I got upset and then I started yelling and crying. I don't remember what was said or what happened, I just remember being in my room and Jongho knocking on the door begging me to come out. I ignored everyone, I am hurt, they can't blame me. Wooyoung tried to talk to me and I ignored it not wanting to hear the excuses. I am pulled from my thoughts by someone pounding on my door.

"Yeosang get out here, I don't care what happened Wooyoung needs you right now." I heard Hongjoong hyung yell and I just ignore him sitting down on my bed. I hear more commotion and then suddenly I hear an ear piercing shriek and I know it's our maknae and he is terrified.

"Hyung, he's having a seizure, help him." I hear Yunho yell and I feel myself stop and all the air leaves my body and I am shaking. I try to calm down and minutes later I hear sirens.

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