1. Yeosang: We Were Worried

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Yeosang's POV

I haven't been feeling well since yesterday and I am now the only one awake and don't know what to do. I feel like I am going to throw up but also not at the same time. I get up because I have to use the bathroom and I don't feel like throwing up anymore. I use the bathroom and head to the kitchen to get some water and suddenly I am hit with a dizzy spell and I end up throwing up in the kitchen sink. Once I clean up my mess and get a bottle of water, I head back to my room and lay down. I get lost in thought and end up falling asleep. I am woken up by San hitting me with a pillow and I groan in response.

"Come on Yeosang we have dance practice today and we can't be late." San says and I groan again. I really don't feel well, but if I tell them they won't believe me, so I just have to make it through the day. I get up and I am greeted by another dizzy spell and I stumble my way to the bathroom and take a shower. I head to the kitchen after I am showered and dressed and I see everyone looking at me. I am the last to arrive so I hurry over to my spot at the table and I don't have any appetite so I play with my food.

"Yeosang are feeling alright?" Seonghwa asks and I look up to see everyone looking at me worriedly.

"Yeah, I feel fine why?" I reply and I hear someone sigh.

"Well for starters you are pale as a ghost, you were impossible to wake up and now you are playing with your food instead of eating." San says loudly and I flinch, just now realizing I have a headache. I see Hongjoong walking towards me and as soon as he reaches me his hand goes to feel my forehead for a fever. Before he can touch me, I push away from the table and stand before my legs go weak and I am falling and Honjoong catches me.

"Sangie are you alright?" Wooyoung says and everyone looks more worried now.

"Yeah, again I am fine, I just stood up too fast, let's get going, we can't be late for practice." I tell them and I stand again and this time keep my balance and I leave to the kitchen to get my bag for practice.

Hongjoong's POV

"Guys, I am worried about him." I tell the others and Mingi sighs.

"He says he's fine, so all we can do is believe that right." Mingi says and I sigh and nod and we head to the car to head to practice. I see Yeosang, not looking any better and I feel myself panic a little, should I really be letting him go to practice looking so ill? I am torn between myself as to what the best plan is and before I know it we are at the studio and starting practice. We run through 3 songs before getting to Wonderland and I look over and see Yeosang looking worse than this morning, I walk up to him and he is staring off.

"Yeosang are you alright?" I ask and I see him flinch and come back to reality and he nods before heading to his spot for Wonderland. We get half way through the dance when Yunho stops the music to help Jongho with part of the choreography and I turn to see Yeosang swaying a little on his feet. We all take a minute to breathe and then Yunho goes to start the music again.

"Is everyone ready?" Yunho asks and we all nod and the music is started. I see in the mirror that Yeosang isn't moving once the music is started again and Yunho pauses the music once more.

I turn to see Wooyoung and San walking up to Yeosang.

"Yeosang are you alright?" San asks and Yeosang looks confused. I see the color drain from his face.

"Guys, I don't feel so well." Yeosang says before his eyes roll into the back of his head and he is falling. He would have hit the floor, had Wooyoung not caught him. Wooyoung lowers him to the floor and he starts panicking.

"Yeosang, wake up, come on." Wooyoung says as he shakes Yeosang and I kneel next to him pulling a crying Wooyoung into me as Seonghwa helps Yeosang.

Seonghwa's POV

I kneel next to Yeosang and rest the back of my hand on his forehead.

"He's burning up. Yunho can you get me a cool wet washcloth, Jongho can you grab a garbage can and Mingi can you get me his water bottle please?" I ask as I pull Yeosang's head into my lap.

"Hyung what should I do?" San asks and I look over at Wooyoung who is crying into Hongjoong.

"Go try and calm Wooyoung down and ask Hongjoong to come over here please." I tell him and he nods before crawling over to Wooyoung and Hongjoong. I see him take Wooyoung and Hongjoong stands and walks over to me.

"Can you call our manager and tell him what happened, and call an ambulance." I tell him and he nods before walking out of the room. Yeosang is still unconscious in my lap when I get all the things I asked for. Yeosang doesn't regain consciousness until we are at the hospital. We are waiting for him to wake up and I see his eyes squeeze shut, I grab his hand and start rubbing circles into it with my thumb.

"Hyung, where am I?" He asks, opening his eyes and I don't get a chance to speak.

"In the hospital, you collapsed during practice and scared us." Jongho says and I look at Yeosang.

"You really did scare us, I thought you told us you were fine?" I question and he sighs.

"I didn't think you would believe me." He says and I sigh.

"Of course we would have that's why we asked so many times but at least you are okay now, just a really bad case of the flu." I tell him and he smiles before falling asleep.

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