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~Oikawa Tooru~

Age- 23

Occupation- Pro Volleyball Player

Sexuality- Bisexual

Pronouns- He/They

Relationship Status- Single and Crushing

Crush- Iwaizumi Hajime

The Others Contact Name- Hajibae<3

~Iwaizumi Hajime~

Age- 23

Occupation- Trainee, working up to a trainer

Sexuality- Gay

Pronouns- He/Him

Relationship Status- Single and Crushing

Crush- Oikawa Tooru

The Others Contact Name- My Dumbass<3

Back Story

Oikawa and Iwaizumi are kids, growing into the age they are now

7 years old~

Iwaizumi's POV:

"Oikawa!" I had yelled when Oikawa fell off of his bicycle. I ran over to him and helped him up. Oikawa's knee was scraped, along with his palms and elbow. 

"Iwa-Chan!" Oikawa had shouted with tears in his eyes, on the verge of crying. I brought him back to Oikawa's, since that's where we were. I had also brought his bike back home with us. I was staying at his house for a sleepover. We were just playing outside, then that happened. I hope he's okay..

10 years old~

Oikawa's POV: 

"Hi Iwa-Chan!" I said to Iwa as I arrived to school. "Are you ready for today's math exam??"  I asked him wondering if he was.

"Of course I am, and I'm going to get a higher score than you!"  Iwa replied back to my question.

"No way!! I'm going to get the higher score!" We argued back and forth for a few minutes before I gave up. "Fine! You'll get the higher score!" I said in defeat

16 years old~

Iwaizumi's POV:

It's our first day of Highschool. Both Oikawa and I are excited. I'm glad I'm not the only one. The both of us had got there a bit early, so there wasn't many people there. I really like him. Way more than just a friend. More like, a crush, or undying love. 

I kind of have a feeling that Tooru is hiding something from me, I just don't know what yet. 

Apparently I was zoned out since Oikawa was shaking me and calling my name. "Huh? Yeah?" I said as I zoned back in. 

"What were you thinking about?" He had asked

I looked at him. "Oh nothing," I answered, "Just someone." It came out of my mouth like air. Now he's going to know that I at least like someone.

"Ooh~ Does Iwa-Chan have a crushhh~?" He teased me and I got embarrased, which made my cheeks turn pink.

"No you dumbass!" I said, not wanting him to know.

Oikawa's POV:

"And she just came up to me and asked if I was dating someone! Of course, I said yes, cause I didn't want her all over me!" I ranted about what had happened to me this past weekend. I looked over at Iwa, who looked like he wasn't paying attention at all. "Iwa-Chan?" I asked. He didn't respond. "Iwa!" I shook him a little.

Iwaizumi x Oikawa (Contains Smut)Where stories live. Discover now