Ch. 2

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Oikawa's POV:

After I sent that voicemail to Hajime, I put my phone away and walked back out to the rest of my team.

All I hear is, "Is everything alright?" "Are you okay?" and things like that. I keep trying to tell them that everything is okay, but they just don't believe me. Then, I finally give in.

"Fine.. Hajime isn't answering my calls or texts, which he normally does. And apparently he was at someone's house. It wasn't my parents, it wasn't his parents, so I don't know who's house he could be at." I had let out a small rant. My team knows about my feelings for Hajime. They're the only ones who know too. "I just don't understand.. It hurts so much when I now that he won't be mine anytime soon.. If not, never.." Tears formed in my eyes as I closed them. 

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, looking at my team. I could see that one of them was on his phone. He was.. Texting someone? But who? "Who are you texting?" I asked him and he looked up at me, giving me a look that I couldn't read. I gave him a questioning look as he sighed and said something about Iwa. My eyes widened. "You're texting Hajime?? About what??" I asked, eager to know. 

He had sighed. "It's nothing- Just- Something-" He said with a smile. 

"You can tell me!! C'mon!! You know how I feel about him! AND I just told you that he wasn't answering me at all! Just this one time?? Please??" I had practically begged him. "I need to know! And please tell him to call me! Or at least text me back!!" My eyes started to water again. I felt betrayed by both my teammate AND Hajime? What the hell? 

He didn't say anything and kept his mouth shut. "Whatever.." I stood up and grabbed my things. "Have fun talking to Hajime.." A few warm tears rolled down my cheeks as I walked out. I called for a taxi cab to take me back to the hotel we were staying at. When we got back I walked in and went to my room. Once I got there, I laid on my bed and cried my eyes out. 

After a few hours, I finally stopped crying. I looked at my phone to see a bunch of messages and missed calls from Hajime. My phone was muted cause I didn't really want to talk to anyone. I looked at all the texts he had sent me, and there were many. 



Shit Tooru, I'm sorry
I was looking at something and
it took a while.

2 missed calls from, Hajibae<3

Please answer, I'm sorry


3 missed calls from, Hajibae<3

Tooru answer my calls

C'mon Tooru.. I'm sorry
I promise to answer you next time.
I swear, just please talk to me
FaceTime me when you can


That's when I finally called him. I face timed him, but turned my camera off cause I didn't want him to see me while I was just crying over him for hours. The first ring didn't even end before me answered.

"Tooru..! Finally.." He said through the phone. "Hear me out, please.." 

"I'm listening.." I quietly said, but loud enough for him to hear. 

"I know that you seen my location.. I was at someone elses house super late because my moms sister contacted me saying that she really needed help.. My parents weren't replying back to her so I had to go.. I'm sorry.. I know I should have let you know instead of leaving you on read.."

I listened as he spoke. And as he did, my eyes watered again. "It's okay, Hajime.. I forgive you.. It just... Hurt a bit.. Well more like a lot.." I said then set my phone down on my bedside table. "I promise.. I'll be okay.. We're going to see eachother in a few days, i swear it'll be okay.." I turned my camera on and and wiped the few tears that had formed into my eyes. 

"Tooru..." Hajime said and I could tell that he felt terrible. "I'm.. I'm so sorry..." He honestly sounded like he had just done something really fucking terrible. This wasn't that bad, but hes making it sound so bad. 

We talked for a while, and I'm glad that we did. I missed him. A lot.

Timeskip those two days cause I dunno what else to do

I was at the airport, waiting for my flight to be ready. It was quite early. 7 am. I can wake up early, but I didn't want to today. At least I get to see Hajime! It's been so longgg! I mean- There are times where it's been much much longer, but still, it's been so long!

After the flight because I don't want to make anything happen in the flight ykyk

I landed and it was quite dark, which is what I expected. It was around midnight when we landed. His parents texted me that he was asleep and they told me that I could go over, so I did. I got there and walked inside, going straight to his room. After saying hi to his parents, of course. He must've heard me walk in as he was just waking up. 

"Hajime..!" I said as I went over to him and hugged him.

He hugged me back and smile. "Welcome back Tooru.." He had said in a sleepy voice. I melted at that and hugged him tighter. 

"I missed you so much.." I said as I burried my face in his neck. 

He pulled me close and nodded. "I missed you too.." Hajime said and basically had me on his lap. I mean, I wasn't complaining, I was blushing quite hard. But I'm glad that it was dark, and that he couldn't see my face. 

I heard him mumble something but I couldn't quite make out what he said. So I lifted my head. "What was that..?" I quietly asked, knowing he was tired. 

"Nothing, nothing.. Let's just go to sleep.." He replied and pulled me down to lay with him. And I did. 

We lay together all the time, but not like this. Maybe Hajime does like me..? No no. He doesn't like me. Why would he? What's there to like about me? Not much, so there's no chance that he does. After a few minutes of the two fo us laying down, he falls asleep again. I just admire him and god does he look handsome as hell.. I just want him to be mine but.. It's going to be difficult. I love Iwa. I really fucking do and I'd do anything for him. Even if that means I have to watch him go through a relationship that isn't ours. He hasn't gone out with anyone in years. And I mean years. Neither have I, but that's because I don't want to think about anyone else while I'm in a relationship. 

A few minutes go buy and I start to get bored since I'm laying there, not doing anything whatsoever. I'm stuck in Hajime's arms and to be honest, I really like it. Not in a weird way though- In that romantic sort of way? I don't know how to explain it- But I end up falling asleep in Hajime's arms and I'm completely okay with it. 



word count- 1246

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