Ch. 1

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Iwaizumi's POV:

"I gotta go.. I love you, Tooru.." Was the last thing I said before I hung up mine and Tooru's call. I had to go to the gym and train more. "I need to tell him soon.." I said in my head as I got ready to go to the gym. As I got to and inside the gym, there was a new person there. I haven't seen her before. "Does she have any clue what she's doing?" I asked myself as I went to start curling some weights.

After about 20 or so reps on each arm, the girl had come over to me. "Uhm.. Can you help me..?" She had asked me shyly. I looked over at her and stopped curling. "What do you need help with?" I asked her politely. She looked over at the bench press. "You need a spotter?" I questioned and she nodded. "Sure, I can spot you." I said and smiled. We made our way over to the bench press, she laid down and I spotted her.

Okay, she was good looking, but nothing even close to Tooru. That entire time, I was thinking of the guy I have known my entire life. He was the most pretty person I have ever seen in my entire life. I missed him like crazy. He'll be home next week though. Thank god..

"Hey.. I'd uh.. Like to train with you again some day.." The lady had said when she sat up, looking at me.

"Sure, I don't see why not. When are you free next?" I asked her as she stood up. She told me a bunch of dates, which I was free all this week. Then she got a call, which I let her answer. I had quietly told her that I was going to go back to working out on my own, and to come find me when she was done with her call. I was over by the treadmills and stationairy bicycles. I wasn't using either of them, I was actually using a kettlebell, as I was walking up and down the aisle of the treadmills and bikes. When I was walking up and down the aisle, I was also doing lunges with the kettlebell.

After a few hours of being at the gym, and helping the lady, who's name I don't know, I finally got home. Thankfully, I didn't get her number. I didn't really want her number. Why? I didn't want it because I have a strong feeling that she would text me all the time. I didn't need that. I already have someone who is very clingy. Tooru. I didn't mind it though, I actually thought it was kinda cute.

I decided to text him. I missed him so much that I couldn't leave him with no text. I texted him a simple, 'I miss you' with a heart or two. We should always send hearts to eachother, so it was normal for us to do that. Man do I miss him. I miss his touch, voice, everything. I'm really fucking glad that I met Tooru when I did.

Oikawa's POV:

I fell asleep on call with Hajime. I just barely heard something before he ended the call. I couldn't make out what it was though. "I'll just ask him tomorrow.." I said in my head, tiredly, then fell asleep right after.

I woke up and stretched. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 7:02. I also seen that I got a text from Hajime.


I miss you<33
5:46 a.m

I miss you too, so much
I have another game today, I'll
win it for you<3
7:05 a.m


I had to win this game. I told him I would win it for him so now I have to. Either way, I know he would be proud of how hard I tried. I get up and start getting ready for the day. I do my hair(like the beauty queen he is), get changed, and get my gym bag ready. 

I had texted my team groupchat saying that I was going to head out for a few hours before we have to head to the game. I decided to look for something for Hajime. While I was at the shops, I found an adorable little mug having the words, 'My #1 Hero' with a heart around it. I'm so getting this for Hajime. I think he would love it. I brought it with me to the front counter and bought it. I can't wait for him to see it!

Little timeskip cause idk what else to add

It's the last set of the game. The intensity is high. The score is 22-13 for us. Just a few more points, and we win. I'm winning this for Hajime. 


We got a point. 23-13. Us and the other team do a rally, and they got a point. The suspense is through the roof as we do another rally.

I go in to set the ball, but- I miss?? What the hell?? It had somehow landed right behind me; an inch away from my hands. The other team got another point. "Pathetic.." I say to myself and get ready for the next rally.

We got the next point and the score is now 24-15. One more point and we win. I get ready for my next set of the next rally, making sure I'm under the ball. I jump off the ground and- dump the ball! The ball hits the ground as I land after it. The whole gym was silent for a few seconds until the crowd went wild. I smiled and cheered with my team.

We had an after party when we got out of there. We had lunch, drinks that were non-alcoholic, and lots of fun. I had decided to go to the washroom to call Hajime since I missed him a lot.

One ring..

Two rings..

Three rings..

Four rings..


"What..?" I quietly say. I call him again and no answer. I start to get worried and spam texted him.


Answer my calls please
I'm worried, please let me know
that you're okay
seen at 1:25


This isn't like him. I want to know what's wrong but I can't even see him since I'm all the way in America and he's in Japan.

I call him once more and he still didn't answer. His location is on, so I decided to check it. He was at- someone's house..? Who's house is he at..? That's not his parents, or my parents, then who's..?

My heart broke thinking he had got together with someone.

I got a text from my coach saying that we can go back home in two days. Once more, I call Hajime. Yet again, he doesn't answer. So this time I leave him a voicemail.

"Hey Hajime.. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be back in two days and that we won our game today. I'll uh see you soon I guess.. Bye"




Iwaizumi x Oikawa (Contains Smut)Where stories live. Discover now