Order up!

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"Ah, (your name), the usual?" The tall blonde working at the counter grins at you

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"Ah, (your name), the usual?" The tall blonde working at the counter grins at you. "You know it, blondie." You reply with a smile.

The gorgeous woman currently filling in your order is Haruka Tenoh, a worker at Sakura Cafe - your favourite and local cafe. You love Sakura Cafe, but most important you love a certain barista. You smile again at Haruka who's currently getting your drink ready, the drink you've had everyday for the past 6 months.

You love everything about Haruka: the way her eyes narrow in concentration slightly when pouring the milk in to make a little heart on the froth, her triumphant smile when finishing the drink she's practised making for the past half a year to perfection.

"Alright! Order up!" She called out, her eyes sparkling slightly as you walk up to the counter. Just as you were about to take the drink, the manager came out and spotted Haruka. "Haruka! My gosh, what are you still working for? You work so much. You need a break sweetheart." The manager puts her hand on Haruka's shoulder gently, and Haruka smiles sheepishly in return.

"But boss..." she whined, causing the boss to raise her eyebrows as if she was saying you simp. The manager knew exactly why Haruka was still working, even though she technically had a months worth of breaks ready for her. "How about this, you go with (your name)- hello darling." The manager stopped mid sentence to greet you and wave, a gesture you happily returned. "And the two of you go hang out! Maybe to the movies or something."

Luckily you were wearing a mask, or else the two baristas would see your flustered face. Haruka and me hanging out? Like a date?? Oh my. Not that you were against the idea, of course.

Haruka looked just as surprised as you were as she gawked at her boss, who just smiled smugly back at her. "Alright, off you go~ enjoy your drink (your name)!" The boss said, quite literally pushing the two of you out of the cafe.

~ a few hours later ~

"That was so much fun!!" You exclaimed, smiling at Haruka who returned the favour. "You're so much fun to hang out with!" Obviously you knew should would be a bunch of fun to hang out with. You've been waiting for this day for ages. The two of you watched a movie, went out for bubble tea, and had dinner together. It was now night and the two of you were ready to get home (much to your dismay).

"Hm? What's—" You began your sentence but it was cut off short to Haruka leaning her hand out. "It's snowing." She exclaimed with a grin. Quickly, she took off her black leather jacket (she got changed out from her work clothes before the two of you went out) and placed it over you. "Here, let me." She knelt down slightly to help you put the jacket on.

Okay, you were 100% in love with this woman. Her blue eyes sparkled along with her gentle smile, she was everything. The two of you began walking home till you came to a small open-area with sakura trees surrounding you. "Oh, this must be the busking part of the city. It's so beautiful, too bad there aren't any performers." You said, looking up at Haruka.

You were right, there wasn't a single other person in sight. Everyone must of gone home from the snow. Suddenly, you felt a pair of slightly warm-slightly cold hands touch your face. You looked up at Haruka who was looking directly into your eyes with an expression you couldn't read.

"Haruka...?" You asked with uncertainty. Was there something on your face? How embarrassing!

"You have beautiful eyes, (your name). I look forward to seeing them every shift." She whispered. "Hell, I look forward to seeing you every shift." She confesses... before setting her lips on yours.


Under the moonlight with you ~ Sailor Uranus x Reader one shots :)Where stories live. Discover now