chapter 11

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Steven didn't leave her alone wherever she went to she was looking over her shoulder because there he would be with some story of i was already here or you the one who is following me around all town sometimes he would be by himself or have some girl with him to remind her that she is the 6th at home one morning her and lucille found a black rose on the front porch from steven with love They looked at each other and knew it was time to play fire with fire They went and gotten dale let him do the dirty work just mess with him she told her father don't kill him we just need to get him to back off that night steven heard something in his bedroom hissing around under the bed he slowly looks under the bed and almost gotten biten in the face by a cottonmouth snake he moves just in time as it hissing more he sees there is a note around it tail from dale with love after getting the snake out of his house stands there for a moment hearing music coming from the woods ( your cheating heart ) the deeper he goes the loader the music becomes down by a river bank he seen a truck with the lights on and music playing ( your cheating heart will make you weak your cry and cry and trying to sleep but sleep won't come the whole night through your cheating heart will tell on you when tears come down like falling rain your toss around and call my name) all that plays before it stops he looks all around and scream out

I'm not afraid of you have to do better than a snake under the bed or some old country song do you hear me you bastard.

He wasn't watching where he was going and fallen when he looks up seen dale there knelling down with the cottonmouth snake on his shoulder .

i see you have met my business partner who i trusted you gotten the letter i mean you given tammy a black rose so jack and i this is jack by the way thought you were love to meet him and have a drink with us how about it.

This isn't going to work you don't scare me i have already told you that I will be apart of that child life one or the other so why fight the fact of me being your son in law pa .

He smiled as turned that bottle up for a drink while not taking his eyes off of steven and steven did the same.

Do you smell that there is whiskey in the air midnight in monterey he is always singing there ...hank is always singing there steven i know she is pregnant with your baby and I'm trying to help just know this when the chains come off there is nothing stopping me from killing you so you best pray boy do you hear me you best pray she never ask me because i will without a second thought jack just was to remind you that I'm still around and just like old Hank I'll be around forever .

So your just not only a old dinosaur but now a old dog who's broken down wearing chain's who's bake is worse than his bit .

If he is just an old dog who's wears chain's than why did steven almost shit himself when dale stood up he had fear in his eyes and tried hard to hide it but jack wasn't the only one who could smell the fear and a little of something else.

Sleep tight now you never know what else could be under your bed or in bed sleep tight I'll see you soon then later son in law ha...ha...ha....

Noami wasn't giving up she really thought this was the way to welcome him back into her arms what nobody knew was she wasn't pregnant with anyone baby those pictures she gotten off the internet to make everyone thinks she is pregnant but lucille had a feeling that she was lying about it all and it will time to have a little talk woman to woman about the situation at a rich hotel room 1768 she gone thinking her ex lover wanted to start the relationship between them again once gotten there she seen it was his better half lucille Walked in and sit by the bed .

What the hell are you doing here where is the father of my children oh what you didn't know he was leaving you for me hurts doesn't it.

Does it look like it hurts me I'll tell you what hurts that you and this stupid plan to get him haven't you realized that you are the only woman you may have a ball under your shirt to make your stomach look as if you are pregnant but I'm the one who has him and his sexy ass each and every night and there is nothing you can say or do that could take my man from me.

He doesn't love you like he loves me it's only a matter of time before your the only woman in this situation and I am pregnant with twins so time up on you grandmother let someone else who is young and beautiful take the wheel because i know what dale like and your not it.

you may know what he likes but i know what he loves and you never going to get it your never going to have it either.

Before she left the room lucille turned around and knocked fire from Noami she falls across of the bed holding her jaw in pain tammy is worried and it's not good for her sometimes she feels weak and can't get up without feeling like she is going to lose her baby the whole time she is feeling like this steven isn't helping calling and texting that she isn't going to be a good mother she should give the baby to his mother or They will be the perfect family weather she likes it or not .

You can't run from me we live in the same small town just pick up the phone and talk or call me i can change for our daughter or son can be the best me but can't do that if you keep sending that broken down dinosaur dog of a father on me just pick up the phone and call sometimes or talk with me when i call you don't be a bitch about it I'm telling you now the next time your father and I meet he is a dead man .

At the motel he goes with a westchester rife found dale there working on one of those rooms Scott takes off running from being afraid of getting shot dale isn't afraid of some gun which some stupid kid is holding .

Son like you have the stones to pull that trigger.

Your the reason she won't marry me I'm going to kill you right here right now don't care about who See's it's.

Is that right well i know something that you don't about that gun boy.

He goes to shoot it but it doesn't fire so he tried to use it to hit dale with it but getting hit in his stone's by the butt of the gun when dale took it and use it against him .

Like i said i know something about the gun you don't it works better without the safety on .

He hits steven one more time and it knocks him out cold after he is out cold dale gets back to work knowing this is only the beginning to what to come next time he may use his business partner jack the cotton mouth snake.

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