chapter 19

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Seven days later as jey crew waited for the boat to dock and take care of who their boss said take care of they search for lucille and dale but didn't find them just an old man pushing his wife in a wheelchair maybe they gotten off somewhere else between stop's once they have gotten clean they taken off those outfits and wing's made their way to find a man who calls himself (lucky ace)
A small time criminal who knows this town better than anyone else the only problem is he hangs out at a biker only bar they stand outside of said bar looking at it as some pretty big ugly biker's enter and exit it he hand's his jacket to her and walked in as she walked there goes up to the bar ordered straight whiskey he found the biggest ugly fat biker that was there and there wasn't a sound to be heard as he hits the floor dale stood there with an question of anyone else feeling big and bad they didn't want to try him so he goes to get lucille she sees the down biker laying there and said ( the bigger They are the harder they fall) back to the bar.

The bartender.
Another whiskey sir and for the lady.

We are looking for a man named lucky ace we are looking for some information have you seen him.

The bartender.
Who is asking for him.

A dead man tell's no tales but captain hook is looking for a dead man .

The bartender walked upstairs to the office it's not long after lucky ace comes walking down with a few of his guys all of them have guns pointed at dale he slowly looks at ace as he looks like he has just seen a ghost from the past .

Lucky ace.
A dead tell's no tales but I'm looking at a dead man walking heard you were coming this way and after what happened last time i should shoot you didn't believe the story's about why they call you hook but seeing what i have today believe each of those story's
Why are you here to finally kill me .

No another time for that just information about where jey key is keeping her and her baby that is way we have came here maybe we can make a deal your people helps me find where jey key is.

Lucky ace.
then what?

Then i kill him end of story.

They put their weapons down and all have a drink to talk business they call Ace lucky ace because he always has a Ace to play a few years ago him and dale met for the first time in a card game ace was on a round like never before but nobody is that lucky after found out that he was cheating himself and dale started fighting where it given really ugly he almost lost his life over 40 dollars that was years ago but to him it felt like yesterday but doesn't try to kill dale instead they work together to kill jey key crew members and then himself .

Through the swamp on a river boat they went to the old sawmill there is been abandoned for year's it's being used for keeping young woman teenagers and anyone else who could make them money made their way inside from a ladder on the roof jumped down through a open window lucky ace went for the girls and dale went for his son in-law they were downstairs weak and beaten to the point where they wasn't Strong enough to do anything if someone was attacking them he opens the door and see them laying there he first checks on the baby to make sure he is alright.

Lucky ace.
What kind of asshole does this to a little baby don't fear i know I'm ugly and all but your grandpa sent my ugly face to save y'all friend so let's get the hell out of here.

Up top jey was waiting for dale first he seen the hook as it was seen first then the rest of him standing there looking forward to this both had a weapon in hand a crow bar vs the hook running and yelled at each other standing there locking Horn's like two big bull's either one backing down from the other crowbar is used on his leg and once down used to beat him in the back a few times hook pulls him closer to Dale can hear the sounds of the crowbar and hook makes as they hit each other or used to block the other attached he jumped up and hits dale in the back of his head then taken that crowbar and straight it in his leg .

Hey captain hook did i just hear a bone break it's in there really good now I'm going to take care of your whole family but first you die. 

A gun clicks they turned around to see who their eyes can't believe who that person is holding the gun it's Noami she has came at a bad time to try and make him love her he slowly reached down and take the crowbar tightly and pulled it out never mind the pain or how the sound of flesh tears from the bone he reached out to hit jey with his hook hand jey goes backwards and fallen out of the window slammed down hard on the wet ground below doesn't die he runs off into the swamp .

Your not going anywhere you had your chance to love me and now you will die with me because if i can't have you either will she.

Your going to burn this place down huh with us in it you really have lost it.

He tried to get up to stop her before she could drop the flame into the gasoline but doesn't make it she is burned up right away but he isn't yet laughing and smiling as he lost so much blood laying there on the floor said himself

( Rose I'm coming home)

Through the smoke and fire he can see his sister as she walks over and kneels down by him he heard her sweet voice say
( get up your not Dead yet get up and end this once  and for all  send him to hell )

Everyone is there screaming thinking the worst they looked up at the night sky as rain came down they can hears heavy boots walking from inside the fire gaga points as they see him coming from the smoke flames rise high as he looks at them the left side of his face is badly burned his eye is ghost white as dale comes to his daughter and grandson hug's them both .

Lucky ace.
Jey key gotten away .

For now anyway .

He is helped back to the bar where lucille is waiting she gasped as they bring tammy jed and gaga in it's good to know everyone is safe and not hurt well all but one person the doctor 
( there is nothing i can do he scared the shit out of me )

She looks at him as he looks in the mirror first a hook hand now half burn chicken if that doesn't beat all she knows this isn't over never will be over as long as jey is still out there still alive for the next few weeks he helped lucky ace with taken out the rest of jey key crew members then they will go back to Georgia with two new family members jed and Gaga before leaving for home the phone rings it's jey he wants to let the beauregard family know theyhaven't seen the last of him because he is also going back to Georgia will be seeing them soon enough.

This peter pan and I'm calling you out Hook yeah that's right you and me are going to end this but it's not going to end how you have it mind because I'm going to kill each member of your whole damn family.

You just say when and where because nobody is going to save your ass this time  no more boy's no more nothing it's time for you to die.

Can he kill dale when it comes time to shut up and throw down or will dale gut him like a fish?

a father love for his daughterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя