chapter 12

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Bad time's have found their way into the beauregard house with everything going on with Steven how he will not leave tammy Alone to rise her baby and always being at the same place with another girl is making problems with the young so be mother pregnancy after dinner she goes upstairs and lay's down having pain in her stomach and not feeling well her mother goes to see about her she screams out for her husband he runs upstairs and see that there is blood on the bed sheets and blankets it's goes into the bathroom where tammy is laying in the floor crying while holding stomach They Carried her to the hospital and doctor's tell them she almost lost the baby from being worried and under stress this can't happen again or well you know what will happen to the child as they stood there in the waiting room lucille told her husband something that nobody thought it would come to this but it's has.

Time up no more game's you have warned him more than once and i have had enough .

What are you saying what are you trying to tell me?

I will not allow this little bastard be the reason for our grandchild death I'm saying do it .

Say it i want to hear you say it .

Lucille. The chains are off time to go hunting.

He smiled with that evil smile without saying anything turned and walked away to get his favorite toy just right for this job and This time no more warring or playing a children game's time for this old dog to hunt with the selghammer in hand he went to steven house to do more than just talk with him mother isn't home but someone is though in the back bedroom as the floorboards make a creepy sound as his boots walk across each of them as his hand opens the door he can see someone laying in bed sleeping door opens and closes with one hand on the  blanket and the hammer ready he pulled it off and almost hitting a young woman besides steven .

Who the hell are you and where is steven .

I'm juice his girlfriend who the hell are you .

Wait a minute i remember you your that girl who was at that party my god your butt ugly woman never heard of make up I'm guessing where is your boyfriend .

Why should i tell you there is nothing you can do to make me tell you where he is .

He smiled and raised up that hammer ran it up and down the side of her head before reaching out to move the hair out of her face .

I'm in no mood for games sweetheart have you ever seen what happens when an apple is hit with a sledgehammer your the apple and this is the hammer one chance to tell me where he is before boom...boom...boom your dead ha...ha..ha..ha.

He's down by the river bank fishing who are you .

He sits by her with a smile and said with a deep voice ( I'm a devil of a man who looking for a soul to take )

She gets in her car and drove like a bad out of hell thinking the devil has came back to Georgia and never given it a thought about steven he is the one who this man wants she gotten out by the hair on her head .

Down by the river bank steven caught several fish's and ready to head home with said fish head a stick breaking as he stood up with pistol behind his back seen dale standing there looking through some trees he slowly walks a litte closer before steven points the gun at him .

I guess i should have been praying for that day has came for i see They let the old dog off his chain to hunt you have a selghammer but I'm the one who has the gun I'll sending you to hell .

Can you the baby crying he knows grandpa is about to slam His daddy fucking skull in with this hammer .

He shoots dale in the shoulder and he doesn't go down just tells him ( your going to have to do better than that boy )  the gun jammed up and as he trying to figure it out looks down at the gun then looks up right as dale fist hits him in the jaw down on the ground steven takes the bucket of fish and hits dale in the head goes for the gun and almost grabbed it before the hammer comes down right on his hand and the

A bucket of fish you hit me in the head with a bucket of fish are you kidding me.

My hand is broken please don't kill me I'll stay away from tammy please just take me to the hospital she doesn't deserve that baby I never wanted to be a father anyhow someone will come looking for me you can't get away with it your going to hell for this.

I was already going to hell this I'm just doing the world some good and for tammy and her baby by the way it's...a...boy thought you should know before you know.

He spit in Dale face and laughed as his last words was damn your daughter and grandson the hammer came down several times through his skull until there was nothing left of it those catfish was have for dinner that night and to make sure the police doesn't find a body he did something with it also lucille went out back heard a saw running and wondering what is her husband doing at this hour knocked on the door as she seen his clothes They was bloody with saw in hand.

Dinner is ready what are you doing out here with that saw been out here for several hours we were worried about you.

Don't have to worry about me I'm just cutting up the dogs some homemade dogfood .

Dogfood with a saw dale sweetheart where did you get the meat for said dogfood and what did you do with Steven body .

What body ?

She looks down as their pit bull dog was coming out of the garage with Steven shirt in it's mouth she knew then by what he was doing with the saw and when he said what body she stood there as he smiled at her .

Just come to dinner when you're done with that .

In a matter of mouths tammy found a young man who did love her and who her father allowed her to date his name was jey key a good guy around town hard worker who looks to be different than her first boyfriend but looks can hide one true self and put the fear in one heart.

He is crazy for me i never thought I would be looking forward to seeing him again almost given up on love but my baby needs a father and jey really loves children it's doesn't matter if little Dave isn't his he still wants me to marry him .

Marriage all right y'all have been dating for a few months this is kind of fast don't you think don't y'all need time to get to know each other first before there is any talk of marriage.

Mama this is what I want and now the only question is how do we tell daddy the good news .

They look at each other and think to their self that is a good question easy said and way harder than done .

a father love for his daughterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora