🤍 Homework 🤍

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A/n: Hey! You finally get some real fluff! This is a pre-despair au from when they went to Hope's Peak. Hope you enjoy, though please don't fall into despair at the mention of geometry lol

🤍 Homework 🤍

  I typed away at my computer. Math homework was the absolute worst. You think as ultimate talent students they would be teaching us other things. That assumption, my friends, was wrong.

  There was a knock on the door as I began a new problem. 'Identifying and solving quadrilaterals"'

  "Come in!" I shouted,retaining my focus on the screen. I could hear a joyous humming sound along with footsteps as the door shut. The person came to stand behind me, hugging me from behind the chair.

  "Whatcha doin' there, sweetheart?" Monokuma questioned, resting his head on top of mine. I could feel his bony chin upon my skull.

  "Homework-" I responded, typing my answer which I presumed was probably wrong.

  "Well that's boring." He grumbled, moving to sit on my bed as I started the next problem.

  Not even seconds passed before Monokuma spoke again. "I'm bored!" He complained. The bed squeaked as he threw himself backwards.

  "Well I have to finish this."

  Monokuma stood, an annoyed expression overtaking his features. He pushed my chair back, and then grabbed my arm, dragging me onto the bed before I had the time to protest.

  "What are you doing?" I asked, curiosity spiking my interest. Monokuma pulled me into his arms, wrapping his legs around me as well.

  "We're cuddling." He stated matter a factly. I huffed, trying to pull from his grasp.

  "I have to finish my work!" I insisted, though was met with Monokuma pressing my head against his chest.

  "I can give you the answers!" He said, kissing the top of my head.

  I rolled my eyes. "I need to do the work myself or I'll never learn the material!" I tried yet again to pry myself from his warm embrace, though found myself trapped in his strong grasp.

"You're not escaping." He whispered, sending butterflies to my stomach. I nuzzled my head into his chest in order to hide any hint that I could be blushing.

We sat like that for a few moments before Monokuma pulled me tighter, adjusting so he could nuzzle his head against my shoulder.

  "I'll be happy to kill whatever teacher's trying to keep you away from me." He purred, lifting his head to peck me on the cheek.

  "Mono! You can't say something like that!"

  "I can and I will!" He paused before nuzzling back against me. "If you stay here and cuddle, then let me finish your work for you, then I won't kill 'em!"

  I sighed, though found myself melting into his warmth. "Fine. But only because you were so nice about it." The sarcasm was plain in my voice.

  Monokuma laughed slightly, staring at me from the tops of his eyes.

  "Damn you're beautiful." He gushed, the light color of pink now apparent on his cheeks.

  "And you're adorable, you stupid bear." My words only seemed to deepen his feelings as he found his way in top of me. Monokuma leaned over me, slowly bringing his lips to mine. We stayed like that for a few short moments before he pulled away, keeping his loving eyes fixed on mine.

  "You're my everything." He whispered before climbing off, pulling me into his arms once again as his sat upon my bed.  "You're mine."

A/n: Haha- short! But seriously, I hope you enjoyed it! If only Monokuma offered to do your homework in real life! Honestly though, I could also see him purposely putting wrong answers lol-

Andy way, feel free to point out mistakes, and share your thoughts! Have a good rest of your day/night! Until next time!

Words: 639

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