Chapter 2

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Despite conversing for no more than the time it takes one incense stick to burn, once the siblings trudged briskly through the mob of people to search for their juniors, both of the youths were already long gone. It was in vain---amongst hundreds of individuals, how could they spot two people who ran as fast as the wind and lacked the height to tower a myriad of adults?

"I'm truly regretting sending them off without any restrictions," Bai Xuan said. He sighed. "I should've at least informed them of a place beforehand, so that we could gather once they were done exploring around."

Bai Xuyi blankly stared at him. "Yet you were questioning my method in supervising A-Jiao?"

Her brother turned his head to give her a look. He tried to protest (as he still stood by his words of her disposition being too strict), yet could not help but realize she had a point.

A sly but barely-noticeable simper formed upon Bai Xuyi's lips.

Bai Xuan's skin crawled. Every time she smirked, it was as though two horns protruded from her head.

However, Bai Xuyi, it turned out, was not so heartless that after teasing for her own entertainment, she did not provide solace for her brother's woes. "Don't worry. They're no younger than us by a lustrum, they can take care of themselves," she assured. "We'll meet one way or another. A-Jiao and Yihai are clever---if we do not cross paths in the festival, then we'll definitely see each other again back at the Guihuo Manor."

"I suppose you're right..."

"Of course I am. Now, as you suggested, why don't we celeberate the Mid-Autumn Festival too? By partaking in the fairs here?"

Bai Xuan's eyes expanded in wonder. "You mean... you..." He chuckled softly. "So you do know how to have fun, A-Yi! I had thought you were inconsolable; always blathering the importance of responsibility even in one's leisure time! But there's still hope for you, after all!"

Tilting her head backwards, the second disiple of the Guihuo Manor pretended to level her sibling a sharp glare. But the facade did not last. Her lips soon betrayed her when her scowl curved into a gentle smile. "Well then, what are you waiting for?"

The head disciple gaped at her. When most people could not read his expression, Bai Xuyi could clearly translate the message behind it: please smile like that more often, unlike the sneer you usually wear---this one is actually comforting.

"I'll do what I want with my face. How about you go first, ge? I implore you---rid that refined mask of yours and show what's underneath. I'm quite sure half of A-Jiao's undesired, dorky traits are from you."

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of Bai Xuan's head. "I'm only imparting you an advice that will be useful in the future! Believe me, a cordial face will help you." He pressed, "Not only that---I think such tender smile suits you!"

Bai Xuyi snorted. "Good luck trying carve it permanently on my face then. It certainly won't be as easy as turning over a hand."

"Alright, alright, enough. Let's go have fun!" Bai Xuan grabbed her wrist as he began leading her forward. "Also, to your previous question, I would like to make a correction; it's what are we waiting for! Don't chastise me for idling around when you yourself are doing it!"

"Whatever floats your boat, Ge, whatever floats your boat."

Thus both disciples hared off and became one with the nocturnal crowd.

They could not blend in entirely, though.

Some folks recognized them as cultivators due to the swords in their hip and pestered them of numerous awry incidents. They beared in mind to dig further into cases that actually seemed amiss, but with a bow, indirectly dismissed trivial reports that did not help in their investigations (things like missing pets or other familial and amour troubles).

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