My Love

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Love why do you always make me smile even though I didn't want to, aren't i lucky to have you and call you my man?

You always make cry in tears of joy, I keep overthinking if you truly love me, but then again if you don't love you would always remind me how much you love me, how much I mean to you.

My love, I want to thank you for bringing light into my life, thank you for making me happy, thank you for loving me for being a clumsy, weird girl that you just met through an app, who just swoop in to ask you some anime recommendations, isn't it silly?

My Love, I promise...wait no.. I vow to love you and only you forever and ever, for I keep falling falling over and over again for you whenever some flirty tactics fails or succeeded, I love you and I will always will, now or forever, till I take this to my grave when my time comes up when i grow old of course.

And perhaps... just perhaps.. that you would like to grow old with me in the near future...

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