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Few weeks have passed and it's almost a month but you're not here....
Saying you'll have a lot of time for me but was it a lie?

I understand that you're busy but all my insecurities keep messing with my head and these quotes about couple breaking up because of bad things

If you thought I would leave, I'll stay... I choose to stay because I love you even my insecurities and anxiety keep messing with me, I'll stay.

I'll leave if you ask me to leave or I'll leave whenever I feel giving up.
I always feel insecure because of my appearances but you accepted it.

And I'm glad for it...but these past few weeks it's coming back, my insecurities had gotten worse because of the what ifs

I guess I'm just full of insecurities, I sometimes shed a tear whenever I think of you on when will you come back and when will I hear those words again coming from your lips...

All I want to say that
I love you so much that I can't bear to see you leave and...

I miss you so much, My Love

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