06 | Johnny

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Monday | Dear Diary,

I wish I could finish school already, it's so boring. I keep complaining to Tommy, asking to do some kind of boarding school but he says there isn't enough money. I say I can work to help and he always always tells me "Children have no need to work." I hate when he says that.

I know it's because he had to work as a child to help the family and he "doesn't want that for me" but I want to help.

I researched how much boarding school could be and if the betting business goes well, I should be able to go for university next year! And since Tommy won't help me earn a living, I asked John to let me help collect bets. He said I'm a shit counter and told me to deal with the books instead.

At least Johnny's honest... I guess.

Tuesday | Dear Diary,

I haven't a damned clue what the books are telling me. Johnny writes in his own language it seems. And there isn't a decoder to be found. I'm lost, I asked him to sit down with me to explain it but he's been busy trying to get as much coin as possible. Finn and Fawnie are runners, Finn goes much further than little Fawn but that's because Arthur won't allow her to leave Watery Lane.

Even if she's a much faster (and smarter) runner than dear Finn.

I spent at least an hour trying to figure out a bit of this code Johnny's made. He says it's to protect the books from being stolen. So that they seem useless and I bloody agree, this code is fucking useless.

I've never been bad at reading a bloody book and it's making me so angry. Aunt Polly made me chamomile tea to calm me down. It didn't help much though. Only made me hungry. Then she had me help with supper, I fucking hate peeling potatoes.

I cut my fingers up so much I've got to wear gloves but the gloves are dirty so I have to wash the potatoes twice and GOD!

Maybe this is the day I go mad.

Maybe this is the day I go mad

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