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Dear Diary,

My mother used to say something to me when I was a little girl. She would say, 'Good things do not come easy.' And whatever comes easy do not last.'

Her statement seems to be the last thread of hope which seems to keep me going, especially when my date with Tyrell went the usual way.

Most times I feel as though my name shouldn't be Ayra Phillips, but an attraction magnet. It is painful to say as behind all my facade of putting up a strong face every morning and wearing my red lipstick, I still cry myself to sleep every night wanting to give up.

Which I want to but can't seem to do it anymore, cause it isn't just my efforts anymore, but Anna's.

Anna might not say a word but I do know she is also exhausted from sending me on multiple dates with no results, yet she will refuse to voice out not to make me feel even bad the more. She is indeed my best friend, doesn't mean I shouldn't know when it can become burdening.

My eyes scan my environment, seeing as the persons whom met me in the cafe and the ones whom i came after have all left, leaving the cafe to just a few persons and the clouds becoming darker.

I raise the coffee to my lips only to feel the emptiness of the cup in stun of not knowing when I drained it all down. "More coffee?" My gaze moves from my cup to the voice that speaks to me, taking me to stare back at a guy whom I presume to be a worker here, yet I don't seem to think I recognize his face from my frequent visits.

"Yes please," I smile lightly at him, all while I can't help but spot his bright blue eyes. "I'd like a..."

"A hot latte coffee with extra sugar." My gaze goes stunned, staring back at the guy in front of me whom cut me off to tell me exactly what I was going to say. A small chuckle makes it way to my lips, still staring amazed.

"How did you know?" I can't help but ask the guy with bright blue eyes in front of me.

"Simple. It's what you order every single day." He answers, taking me to furrow my eyebrows in stun as more chuckles escape my lips.

"I see." Is all I can say, for it is shocking and amazing at the same time to know that someone actually listens to my words, when indeed I come here every single day and still yet the lady whom attends to me the most, still asks me what type of coffee I want.

"Your hot latte coming right up." He adds with a smile before I watch him leave my side, as all I can do is watch amazed. I check the time on my wristwatch, seeing it to be past 7pm and I need to leave in order to pick up my dress which I took to be sewn for a wedding I have this weekend.

"And here's your coffee." My attention moves away from my watch to glance back at the guy with blues eyes holding my coffee.

"Thank you so much, but I don't know if I could get this packed up, I just realized I have to pick up something." I speak with a weak smile on my lips.

"Of course. Just a minute." He tells me, while I send him a light nod and he leaves before I begin packing up my stuff.

"Here you go." He returns back with a paper bag with my coffee in it while I take it gladly from his hands.

"Thank you so much," I say with heartfelt, before picking out my purse to pay.

"Oh no it's fine. Its on the house." He tells me as my gaze furrows at his gesture, for handing him a dollar for the bill.

"On the house?" I ask again.

"Yes, so don't worry about it." He smiles back at me while all I can do is stand there still perplexed with his actions.

"Alright, thank you. I hope at least I do get to know the name of the person whom knows my favorite coffee?" I ask with a decent smile on my lips.

"I'm Nicholas, but you can call me Nico." He tells me, while I nod gently.

"Well Nico, it is nice to meet you. I'm Ayra."


"Anna just let go of his shirt...Anna...Anna..."

"You crazy being, let go off my shirt!" I watch in horror as Anna continues to grip David's shirt in her hands, while she ignores all my pleas to let him go.

"You perverted piece of crap, what do you take my friend for? A whore? This was meant to be a date...a date..." Anna continues to yell while she uses her bag to hit David on the chest in public, creating a scene for people to watch. "What you did is called harassment, cause she didn't give you consent to do what you did." Anna continues.

"Anna...people are watching, please just let us go." I try to drag her away, but one thing that is impossible is taking Anna from where she is creating a scene.

How did this happen again?

Well it all began with Anna fixing me up to another date. This time with a famous bachelor in town known as David sawyer. Hot, rich and handsome, and humble your definite 10/10, one which I thought this might be it, considering the reputation that follows David of how decent he is, but that seems to be the opposite as after my dinner with David, he pinned me to a wall and insisted we take a hotel room.

At least he waited til we even had dinner, unlike innocent Levi.

Of course I resisted and told David to stop, but he thought he could woo me with his charm of having me into his bed and the once thought humble David sawyer, turned out to be another horny beast whom can't keep his hands to himself, such that Anna whom decided to be our judge form a far distance today witnessed his act, leading to our present situation.

"Ma'am kindly let go of his shirt please." The guard at the entrance of the restaurant tries to separate Anna from David but all it does is anger Anna the more, such that my gaze goes in utter horror, when she sends a slap to Davids forehead before she lets go of him and he stumbles with his feet, almost falling.

"Oh God!" Even the guard exclaims as my gaze stays wide. "Ma'am we are calling the cops." He adds.

Oh shit!

"You crazy wench!" And of course David is never going to let Anna's actions slide, especially in front of so many audience, as he rages towards Anna that all I see is red and I don't know when my palm turns into a fist and I send it directly to David's jaw that he falls to the floor.

"Oh F***!" Anna curses, as my gaze and movements halt in realization of what I have just done, one which also surprises Anna.

"Why would you hit him Ayra?" Anna turns to me.

"He...I don't know... he was lunging at you!" I answer Anna as a matter of fact while David remains on the floor. "We are so screwed." My gaze shifts from Anna to seeing the guard make phone calls, while my eyes begins to take note of a reflection of a red and blue light behind us.

Shit! The cops!

Knowing exactly what we have done, Anna's gaze and I merge together as the only thing that takes control of our brain and actions is to run, such that we begin to do.

Unfortunately we don't get far enough, when another police car arrives in front of us, leading us to have no escape route. And that is how, a date turned into having Anna and I on handcuffs in our writs and sleeping in a cell.

At least, I'm not the only one.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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