Chapter 2

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"Party in two days!" Tony called out to the rest of the team. Over the past two days, Bruce and Tony practically lived in the lab. No one knew exactly what they were doing there, but it had to be big.

    "And he emerges from his cave," Mia called out sarcastically at the sight of the billionaire. "Watch out, he might be cranky."

    Clint, Natasha, Steve, and Thor, who were all sitting near there, laughed as Tony glared. "Ha ha very funny, kid," He walked over and ruffled her half-up half-down hair, the half-up part being in a braid.

"Hey!" The teen exclaimed, her voice cracking in the middle.

Tony smirked at her then came to a realization. "Do you even have anything nice you can wear to this party?"

Mia scoffed, pretending to be offended. "I do. Me and Mom went shopping a while ago."

"It's Mom and I!" Bruce yelled, still in the lab.

"Oh, shut it!"

On the day of the party, everything had been set up and everyone was getting ready. Tony said guests would be any second now, so Mia really needed to hurry up. She stared at the mirror, standing in her black dress with purple accents. A flash of Red Room appeared in the mirror making Mia's breathing hitch. "No... Mia, stop it. You're fine," the redhead thought.

A knock on the door brought Mia back. "You ready, detka?" Nat asked from outside.

Mia took a deep breath and turned away from the mirror. "Yeah," she called, walking towards the door and opening it.

"You look beautiful," the older Widow told her.

Mia gave her mother a light smile, still not being fully used to receiving compliments. "Thanks, mama, you too."

The party was fine, more socializing than the teenager usually liked to do, but she was used to these parties by now. Plus, she knew most of the people there. She sat at the bar listening to Thor talk about some drink he declared 'Not for Mortal Men'. Mia laughed and muttered, "Good thing I prefer Vodka."

Natasha walked over just then and grabbed the bottle of Vodka, right before Mia's fingers touched it. "You're underage," she scolded.

The little redhead grinned. "And I'm Russian." Nat just glared at her kid, knowing that was definitely something she would've said at that age. "Super Soldier Serum, remember?" Mia took the bottle from Natasha and poured both of them a glass. "I can't get drunk."

The mother rolled her eyes but took the Vodka anyway, both Widows downing the drinks in seconds. "Bonding~" the younger sang, raising her glass.

Natasha elbowed her in the ribs, making Mia gasp in fake offense. "What? Come on, Mom!"

Tony walked over and handed Mia some random drink, completely ignoring her mother trying to keep her from drinking. "Let the kid live a little, Nat."

"She can live when she's older," Nat scoffed.

"Mommmm," Mia groaned. Tony pat her back and went to have a conversation with someone else.

Natasha turned to walk away but turned to face her child again. "Don't drink too much. I don't care if you can't get drunk."

Mia rolled her eyes and smirked lightly. "Deal."

The older Widow walked away and Mia was left with her thoughts. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. A target and gun appeared in front of her. A scream. A recognizable scream. The scream of her best friend. She opened her eyes again and took a deep breath, shaking the thoughts away.

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