Tea Leaf?

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It was the usual day for the twin brothers Cuphead and Mugman. The younger but more mature one Mugman was just reading a book under an oak tree, well that was until his older yet more rowdy and energetic brother Cuphead interrupted him by tapping him on the shoulder.

"HEY MUGSY MUGSYYYYY!!!! MUGSY HEY! MUGSY HELLO! MUGMAN!!!!!!" Cuphead exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and down Mugman genuinely had no clue why he was so excited but he sure did hope it wasn't him begging to do something dangerous with him. He slowly closed his book then put it down with a slightly irritated face since it was getting to a really good part of the story, however his little frown started to disappear when his brother began speaking again.

"HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THOSE HOT DOGS THAT LITERALLY EVERYONE ARE HAVING? APPARENTLY THEY COME IN ALL SORTS OF FLAVOURS!!!!"  Mugman jokingly rolled his eyes before chuckling a little, he knew Cuphead loved hot dogs so dearly. It was kinda entertaining just hearing his brother rant about them as if something life changing happened.

"Cuphead... We have hot dogs all the ti-" Mugman tried to continue speaking but Cuphead just covered his mouth and giggled grabbing him by his handle to take his brother to his destination with him. At this point Mugman just gave up to continue his sentence, he had already gone pretty far since he was running.

"Well perhaps you couldn't grab me by the handle?" Mugman sighed,

"Haha sorry Mugsy!" Cuphead chuckled letting go of him. The duo chatted for quite a while until they arrived, unfortunately though the queue was pretty long and that was a problem since well... let's just say Cuphead absolutely despises waiting (especially for ages). His younger brother had to find some sort of way to entertain him whilst in this tremendously long line, but how? Well he would ramble about the book he's reading currently if he could but Cups doesn't like that sort of stuff... Perhaps he should just ask him...

"Um Cuphead... Is there anything you wanna talk about?" Mugman asked in which he turned his head towards him and smiled. Then next thing you know he was chattering nonstop

"Well I was just thinking about that time you broke your handle and absolutely freaked out haha!!!!" Mugman didn't like that story whatsoever, he had a bad feeling that's what he was going to mention and well he did because what did he expect? It's Cuphead for fucks sake.

"Ugh why can't you forget about that?!?" Mugman whispered to him rather aggressively, he had every reason to though since he was in public right now. He definitely didn't want everyone to know that happened to him like a month ago.

"HAHAHA BUT LIKE COME ON NOW MUGSY!!! You can't lie that it was rather funny..." Cuphead was laughing so hard that he had to wipe a tear away, he pat his brother on the back smiling joyfully. Well yes it was very embarrassing for him in the moment maybe his brother was right... Maybe it actually were pretty funny.

"Ok fine you got me it's kinda funny..." Mugman chuckled slightly, blushing slightly from the embarrassment of the topic. Hopefully one day he'll be able to look back and actually find it hilarious like his brother does right now, Cuphead really did help Mugman through his awful times.

"OH AND REMEMBER THE TIME WHERE I WAS ON ROLL... THE DI-BAHAHAHAHAHAAA" Cuphead didn't even have chance to finish his sentence since he was wheezing too hard from how funny it all was, all you could muster up from him was just single words mixed with him dying of laughter. Fortunately for him, Mugman caught onto what he was talking about and began laughing as well.

"Yeah I do remember, when you asked me for help and I just froze in terror like EEEEEE!" Mugman answered making the exact face his brother was thinking about, it only just made him laugh even more.

"THE FAC-... THE FA-... THE FACE YO-..." Cuphead couldn't even breathe from how funny it was to him, he was just picturing Mugman's stage fright face in his head and it was making it too hard for him to even speak.

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