It's just a nightmare

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10:27 AM

It was the start of a brand new day, after struggling to fully wake up for what felt for many minutes Mugman eventually rubbed his eyes and got out of bed quietly trying not to distrub Cuphead's beauty sleep. It was unusual for his brother to sleep in since he was usually was the early bird out of the duo, obviously Mugman was surprised to see him still snoring at this time.

"I guess I'll go downstairs... I don't really have anything else to do haha!" Mugman giggled to himself as he slowly went down step by step, it sure did feel very quiet without Cuphead complaining about having to go to school. Perhaps that was why he was sleeping in, I mean he did have a very difficult day yesterday so who could blame him?

Despite usually waking up later than his brother, Mugman didn't really take too long to wake up after. Well it was because Cuphead was the reason he usually woke up earlier than he originally planned, he didn't mind too much since it was actually for the best. It wasn't like he hated being around his brother, he actually valued every time spent with him... well minus the whole Cuphead gambling away his soul thing but that's all in the past... that was what Mugman thought of it

He had moved on now at this point, it wasn't something to worry about and pester his thoughts like fuck it happened almost a year ago now and it wasn't like he thought about it ever really... yeahhhh he totally never thought about all the times he watched his own brothers soul pop RIGHT out of his body after that eventful year haha, he rarely even thinks about all those strangers he and his brother fought together because they're all civil now... RIGHT?!? Anyways moving on let's just say that well however... The more rowdy out of the brothers Cuphead every now and then has nightmares about that terrible time.

The poor cup never seemed to get a break from these stressful thoughts since those dreams would disturb him like once a week and it seemed that today was unfortunately THAT time to disturb Cuphead's already awful week... Usually Mugman could tell right away whenever he was dealing with that damn night terror because he'd usually call out for his brother in a soft tone whilst asleep. However this was different since Mugman was already out of bed and probably eating his breakfast at this point, technically there was absolutely nobody to help him through it this time... Well except for one, that certain someone was Tea Leaf but he was still sleeping peacefully so there was a problem...

Something that I'd like to tell you about Tea Leaf is that he's a VERY VERY DEEP sleeper, so the softest calls for help would not get his attention. He'd need someone to yell straight in his face to wake him up fully, Cuphead never yells whenever he sleep talks surprisingly (well only whenever he's hyper he does) so the little youngster would probably not be much help.

"I'm really surprised Cuphead isn't awake at this time since it's 10:49 AM now, is everything alright for him?" Mugman thought to himself as he slowly put the bowl of cereal he made away, speaking of which Elder Kettle was no where to be seen? So no wonder he had to make his breakfast by himself. The Mug didn't mind washing up so he decided to wash up immediately barely having a care in the world (well despite the whole Cuphead situation...)


"Heyyy Cuphead..." a voice spoke in a unsettling tone, the voice sounded all too familiar, way too familiar to Cuphead... this couldn't be good for him no no no... HE COULDN'T DEAL WITH THIS AGAIN

"W-W-What do ya w-want from me?!?!?! Ya can take everything sir j-just not my soul PLEASEEEE!!!!" Cuphead pleaded slowly rocking back and forth as an attempt to calm himself down, he had dealt with these awful night terrors since the day he risked losing both his and his own brother's lives. Ever since they started he couldn't make them stop without Mugman's support

"I have a very special friend of yours beside me as well as your veryyyyy special brotherrrr..." the Devil chuckled horrendously knowing damn well that he was scaring the living daylights out of the young cup. That's what he was here for, to have a little fun with his opponents.

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