A secret worth keeping (+ a new friend)

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(Whilst Tangerine and Tea Leaf are having some time together meanwhile Cuphead and Mugman meet a familiar face but it seems like Cups isn't having it)

"Hey Cuphead..." Mugman began speaking softly, he had a bad feeling that he had messed up just then. He just thought about what Tangerine could do whilst Mugman wasn't watching, like literally they haven't even known each other for a single day. Whilst yes that could be also said for his relationship with Tea Leaf, he couldn't help but worry about what would happen if he didn't keep his eye on him.

"Yes Mugsy?" Cuphead answered, completely oblivious to his younger brothers concerns.

"I don't think it was a good idea to let Tea Bag leave with that new fella." Cuphead was just confused since he rarely worried much about stuff like that, he never really found himself pondering about the "what if's" and the consequences of an action unlike Mugman.

"Eh it's nothing to worry about buddy relax! It's not like they're going to smash his head into a billion different pieces and then burn them so that all that remains is dust now are they?" Cuphead may have thought that as a funny little joke but that didn't help Mugman's worries whatsoever, in fact it actually just made them wayyyy worse than before.

"b-but Cuphead!!!! Y-You know w-what he's like don't you?!? He might ge-"

"Hey stop being so protective brother there's no need to panic!" Cuphead wrapped his hand behind Mugman's shoulder and pat him on the back as an attempt to stop the little mug from panicking even more.

"OF COURSE I'M GOING TO PANIC IT'S LITERALLY TEA LEAF WE'RE TALKING ABOUT HE'LL END UP FINDING SOME WAY THAT'LL GET HIMSELF HURT BY ACCIDENT AND THEN I'LL BE THE ONE TO BLAME!!!" Mugman despised that idea but from all the experiences he's dealt within the span of less than a week the chances of that wasn't slim, he just wished that he didn't have to stress about Tea Leaf so often but he couldn't help it.

"Hey hey now, sometimes you've just got to chill out Mugman! You've always helped me through my embarrassing nightmares so I'll try my hardest to make it up to ya brother!" Cuphead spoke determined to comfort Mugman to the best of his ability.

"I know that thinking about Tea Leaf can be stressful considering how clumsy he can be but... maybe ya just need a break from that!" Mugman didn't really know how to react, he really was thankful that he had Cuphead by his side. Even if he got them both in trouble at times, he wouldn't replace him for the world.


Tea Leaf and Tangerine had been walking for quite a while now, one was gossiping about the brothers funny little stories whilst the other was listening closely laughing about the youngster's ramblings. They may have not known each other for long but they really did feel like they were siblings in a way.

"HEY HEY TANGERINE LOOK A PARK NEARBY!!!!" Tea Leaf exclaimed as he pointed to a swing that was blowing in the wind, Tangerine spent sometime looking around until the little tapped them on their shoulder.

"I WANNA GO ON THE SWING!!!!" he beamed as he took the teen's hand and ran towards it, he almost didn't come to a full stop and crashed into it. Fortunately since Tangerine was nearby though they were able to stop the little rascal from getting into another accident.

"Woah woah slow down Tea Leaf!!!" Tangerine chuckled as he stopped the younger cup from crashing straight into it, she didn't mind too much though. Speaking of which she actually were extremely thankful that they stopped her.

"Haha I almost collided into that then oops!" he giggled as he got onto the swing waiting for Tangerine to start pushing him, that was until then... he remembered something... and as he looked around the area began to look completely blank and empty.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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