Chapter One

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Sophie groaned. "And make sure you brush your teeth!" Edaline added. "Mom. Stop it. It's one week. I'll be finnnne!" Sophie complained to her adoptive mother.

"I know, I know. But watch out for the Neverseen." "Mom! They haven't attacked for months now. This week is for us to celebrate that and relax for once. It's perfectly hidden, the gnomes are there, and we can fight!" Sophie rolled her eyes. "I know. Just stay safe," Edaline said.

"And stay away from that boy," Grady added. "Dad! His name is Keefe, and he's my friend! I'm not gonna 'stay away from him'." Sophie rolled her eyes at him. Plus, she kinda sorta maybe might be developing a crush on him... I mean, Dex- well, let's not go there. Fitz- well, yes, Sophie really really liked him before he dumped her because she's "Unmatchable". Keefe was supportive, on the other hand. But Keefe probably didn't like her anyways.

Sophie grabbed the pink leaping crystal and waved to her parents as she stepped into the light. Soon, her parents were gone and she had arrived at the glittering tree house.

One by one, Sophie's friends arrived. Biana and Fitz were already there because they were Vackers. Dex appeared soon after Sophie. Stina came into view then. Sophie smiled at her. They once had been enemies, but now they were friends. Stina nodded back. Tam and Linh arrived next, and Marella came soon after that. Then Maruca came, but Wylie wasn't with his cousin. He had some boring Elite Level stuff to do and couldn't come this week. Finally, 5 minutes later, Keefe came. "Well, look who finally showed up." Tam scowled at Keefe. "I see I'm fashionably late," Keefe grinned. He winked at Sophie, and she rolled her eyes. But a hint of a blush still showed up on her cheeks.

"So... we need a name," Keefe announced. "For what?" Sophie asked, confused. "Jeez, you are so oblivious sometimes," he muttered. "The ginormous treehouse standing right in front of you?" Keefe raised an eyebrow. Duh. Sophie wanted to smack herself. "Riiight."

"The Foss-Boss hut?" Dex suggested eagerly. Sophie wanted to smack him now. "How about... no." Sophie folded her arms. "Plus, it's not even a hut. How about Alluveture? Named after Alluveture?" "What? No way. We might as well call it Lumenaria, which is so not gonna happen," Biana objected. "How about Sparkleville?" "Or Stina Kingdom!" Stina grinned.

"Let's state the obvious here, shall we?" Fitz rolled his eyes at everyone. "It's a TREEHOUSE. Not a hut. Not a hideout. Not a pile of rubble. Not a village. And definitely not a kingdom!"

Everyone stared at him. "Fitzy. Let's not go overboard here," Keefe said through gritted teeth. Sophie was embarrassed for her ex-boyfriend. Something must have happened other than people naming the treehouse. Sophie was tempted to peek into his mind to find out, but she couldn't invade Fitz's privacy. She would be super mad at him if he did, and Fitz wasn't exactly enjoyable when he was angry.

"Fort San Francisco it is," Linh conceded, naming Sophie's childhood home. Everyone cheered. Sophie walked up to Linh. "Hey, thanks for that," she said, grinning at her friend. Linh smiled back.

"Now that we're all here and we have named our treehouse, can we have some food?" Keefe asked. Leave it up to him to crack a joke at this sentimental and monumental moment.

"Yeah!" Sophie yelled excitedly. She ran inside and shut the giant wooden door, so they couldn't get inside without a password. Their treehouse was hers technically, so naturally she would want the passwords to be hers. There was a password in case the Neverseen found the treehouse.

"221b Baker Street!" Keefe yelled, and the door automatically opened. Tam, Linh, Biana, Dex, Stina, Maruca, and Marella stood there dumbfounded, but Fitz folded his arms with a frown on his face. He was jealous. He was Sophie's Cognate, after all.

Everyone found their rooms easily, and they explored for a bit before settling down in the living room.

"Let's play a game," Marella suggested. Linh smiled. "Yeah, let's." "Let's go light leap to the Shores of Solace and prank my dad!" Keefe said, grinning. "No, no light leaping anywhere," Biana reminded him. "Otherwise we'd go shopping at Atlantis." Everyone groaned at Biana's idea. "Hey Sophie, how about you teach us one of your human games," Maruca put out there.

"Okay. There's Mafia, Truth or Dare, and Spin the Bottle," Sophie told them.

"Wait!" Biana said. "I have an idea- we make a schedule. A game for each day. And we'll make the games last."

Everyone nodded, liking her idea. Sophie wasn't sure about the last part, though. Oh well. Too late...

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