Chapter Four

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Sophie set the Magic 8 Ball on the table. "Let's have some of Edaline's mallowmelt!" Everyone cheered. Biana held out a plate of custard bursts from her mom, Della; Dex brought a fizzy concoction from his dad; Marella handed out boxes of Prattles to everyone; Maruca poured glasses of Lushberry juice; and Keefe gave everyone some butterblasts that he had stolen from his dad.

Biana grinned at Tam. "What's your favorite treat?" she asked him. "Butterblasts," he admitted.

"Cool. And I'm glad you guys made it." Biana gave the Song twins a hug. Linh grinned at her friend. "Of course. I'm glad you and Sophie made such a big effort to make this thing actually happen." Biana smiled. "Mr. Forkle was a little hard to convince."

"Actually," Sophie piped up, "he wasn't too hard to convince. He was just really unreasonably stubborn."

Linh giggled. "Tam's super stubborn," she teased. "Trust me."

Tam folded his arms. "I'm resilient. Not stubborn," he argued. "Sure you are," Biana said, smiling at Tam teasingly.

Tam's lips twitched into the hint of a smile. "Whatever."

Sophie was happy that he was getting along with Biana so well. She felt like moody Tam needed a happy, cheery person to brighten up his soul.

Marella smirked. "And remind me, you guys have been dating for how long, exactly?"

Biana rolled her eyes. "Shut up. We haven't made it official yet."

Linh smiled sweetly at her twin. "They're taking it slooowwly." She rolled her eyes. "He just doesn't wanna tell Mom and Dad about it."

Maruca stood up abruptly. "Let's say goodnight," she said. "Unless out two lovebirds over here can't handle being apart."

Biana rolled her eyes at her friend. "C'mon. Girl talk time in the Pearl Chamber."

The Pearl Chamber was where all the girls' rooms were located. They each had their own bedroom, bathroom, and closet, plus a lounge for all six of them. The boys had the same, but their rooms were in the Onyx Chamber instead. Don't underestimate the size of this place...

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