Chapter Two

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Later that night, it was time to play with the Magic 8 Ball Sophie had gotten from Flori earlier. She had asked her to find one from the Forbidden Cities, and here it is!

"Okay, so first you ask a question about someone or yourself or something that's going to happen. For example, 'Does Linh have a crush?'," Sophie instructed. Linh's cheeks turned bright pink at that. "And then you shake the ball." Sophie shook the Magic 8 Ball hard before glancing at it. "And it says, 'Most Likely'!" Sophie announced. Marella glanced at Linh. Did she know her crush? "That is pretty much a YES!" Stina shouted. Maruca put her hand over her friends mouth. "Shhh." Stina harrumphed in reply.

"Okay, my turn." Keefe grabbed the ball from Sophie. "Does Bangs Boy have good hair?" Tam glared at him. "Thanks a lot," he grumbled. Keefe shook up the Magic 8 Ball and grinned at what he saw. "Outlook not look so good," he said between laughs. Biana patted Tam's shoulder. "Don't worry. I like your hair," she reassured him. He grumbled.

" 'Kay, now I get to go," Marella interjected. "Does someone with dark hair like me?" She shook it up and stared at the Magic 8 Ball in shock. "I have never, ever had this happen before." Dex and Stina both raised an eyebrow at her.

"Well, what does it say?" Maruca asked. "Yes. Plain yes," Marella replied, a grin slowly forming on her face. She snuck a glance at Linh, but quickly looked away.

Dex took the ball away from his friend. "Is Magnate Leto fond of Rex, Lex, and Bex?" he asked, genuinely curious. "Signs point to yes?!" Dex groaned.

Tam snatched the ball. "I'll go now," he said. "Are Keefe's farts stinkier than my dad's?" he asked. It was smart and calculated. It would either dis Keefe or Quan Song, the two people Tam hated most in the world.

"My sources say no," Tam said. "Hah! No one's farts are worse than Dad's! Knew it!" Linh claimed. Tam nodded in agreement.

"No gimme the ball!" Linh stole the Magic 8 Ball from her brother excitedly. "Could I beat Fintan if I battled him?" she asked. She shook up the black ball and peered at the blue triangle that appeared. "Without a doubt!" Linh cheered, and everyone else followed along except for Tam.

"Of course you could," he said. Linh smiled at him. "But I wouldn't let you take the chance." Linh glared at her brother and folded her arms.

"My turn now!" exclaimed Biana, grabbing the Magic 8 Ball. "Does Tam like me?" Linh giggled, nudging her brother. Tam blushed, but smiled at Biana. "Ooh! Tammy has a cruush!" Keefe teased. "Without a doubt," Biana declared, grinning at the floating blue triangle inside the black ball. Sophie looked at Biana, smiling. She was happy for her friend.

"Yeah, okay. My turn," Stina said, shaking the ball. "Does Marella like Linh?" Fitz spit out his lushberry juice in shock. Keefe entered the room- Sophie hadn't even noticed that he left- with a rainbow cake. "Who wants gayke?" he asked. "You may rely on it," Stina replied. "Well, thanks," Keefe said. "Didn't know you loved my baking skills so much." Stina rolled her eyes. "No, Marellinh is official so give them the gayke," she told him.

Tam patted Linh's head. "Good for you." Linh stared at her brother in shock. "You're... okay with it?" Tam nodded. "Yeah, guys are jerks. Marella will protect you if I can't. And you can protect her. Fire and water?" Linh hugged her twin brother, grinning. She reached out her hand to Marella, and they sat there, their fingers entwined.

Fitz glared at Marella and snatched the ball from Stina. "Does Sophie like me?" he asked.

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