Chapter 6: Face Paint

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Silco dismissed you shortly after Sevika's entrance into his office, he never kept you around long when business was being discussed. Even after all of your years spent working for him, he never once let you attend any meetings, formal or informal; you were an informant, that was all.

You supposed it made sense, people weren't supposed to know what exactly you did for Silco and your job at Babette's was enough for people to enfer how it was you came to be in the crime lord's employ. Still, you wished he would trust you more, especially when it was just you and Sevika.

You picked up your pace as you walked towards the block your building was on, coat slung over your arm after a brief stop at Babette's. She had shaken her head at you for blowing off your last client of the evening, but even she knew Silco was at the top of your priority list these days. He was your highest paying client after-all.

Shutting your apartment door behind you, you let out a sigh.

Your days were beginning to feel so monotonous and now, when something exciting was finally happening, you couldn't even be trusted to be let in on all of the fun.

You unlaced your corset and tossed it aside, thankful for the release of pressure on your ribcage. Red marks stretched across your abdomen where the boning had previously been pressed against your skin.

You felt stiff.

Turning on your bathtub faucet, you began to undress, letting the sounds of water filling the tub carry away your concerns about the evening.

Maybe you would try to get out of here after all. You still weren't sure where you would go, but Piltover was beginning to wear you out, the Undercity included. The Undercity especially.

Toweling off after your bath, you removed your makeup and slipped into something more comfortable.

As soon as your head hit the pillows, you were asleep, helpless to fight its pull after a long day of entertaining clients and spying for Silco.

Your eyes flew open, slow to adjust to your darkened apartment. You weren't sure what time it was or what exactly had woken you up, but by the sour dryness coating your tongue and the stillness in the air around you, you guessed it was the first few hours of the morning.

Your head throbbed slightly and you pulled yourself out of bed to go to the bathroom and get a drink of water. As you sat down on the toilet, you didn't bother turning on a light or closing the door. Living alone for as long as you had, you'd become very comfortable with the space around you. You could probably move through your apartment blindfolded without so much as stubbing your toe.

You turned the faucet on to wash your hands, water sputtering out before returning to a gentle stream. Grasping a bar of soap off of the sink's edge, you allowed your eyes to scan your own reflection in the mirror, stopping once you noticed a small gleam just behind your shoulder. You spun around, soap knocking against your apartment floor as it fell out of your grip.

"Happy to see me?" Your boss's blue haired daughter cocked her head at you, a grin plastered across her lips.

"Jinx! What are you-" you stopped when you noticed a small pistol in her hand. "Sorry I've gotta do this... secret location and all..." she shrugged, whacking you across the face with the butt of her gun just as you had opened your mouth to ask what she meant

Your head cracked against the floor, vision blurring at the edges, eyes fluttering shut.

You groaned, cheek swollen with the impact from Jinx's gun. Your wrists were tied behind you, back propped up against something you had thought was a wall until you felt it shift.

"She got you too, huh?" a familiar voice sounded.


A scoff sounded in reply.

"What's going on?" you looked at the dimly lit room around you, vision still not fully in focus. "Why are we in the Last Drop?"

"Enough chit chat!" Jinx spun around in Silco's desk chair, looking down at you and Sevika, "that's my job," she said, smiling as she moved over towards the two of you, bending down so that her face was level with Sevika's.

"I feel like you and I got off on the wrong arm... maybe we should try the other?"

Sevika's voice sounded from behind you, "No need. It's your sister. She's back. She's looking for you".

Jinx hadn't yet spoken, but with the short moment of silence hanging in the air, you guessed that wasn't something she had expected to hear. "It's not what you think," Sevika continued, "She's with some enforcer girl, guess she replaced you."

"You're lying!" Jinx shouted and you gripped Sevika's arm, a silent warning for her to try not to piss Jinx off.

"Why bother? With her back in town, it's only a matter of time before you implode and Silco finally gets the message that you're about as good for our cause as you were for your family".

You winced, you knew how Sevika felt about Jinx but that was a low blow, even for her. You squeezed her again, desperately wanting to leave the Last Drop with all of your limbs intact.

You hear soft sobs escape from Jinx, feeling a pang of sympathy for the girl who had you tied up on the floor of your boss's office until she shoved Sevika hard, the woman's body crashing into yours, causing the two of you to fall onto your sides.

"Hey, watch it! Did you really bring me here just to shove me around?"

"No," she said, walking over to you, leaning down so that her braids brushed against your arm, "I brought you here so you could finally explain exactly what you do for Silco,"

"And before you lie, I followed you to Babette's. I know what you are". You drew your eyes away from her, "It's not like that, Silco pays me to keep an eye out around town, that's all".

Jinx's eyes scanned you for a moment before she stood up, seemingly satisfied with your answer.

"No, 'I call your Dad 'Daddy' too' comments?" Sevika murmured, nudging you with her elbow, "I'm surprised."

"Look, she's not gonna do anything too bad to you, just wanted to shake you up and get more attention from Silco,"

Jinx's footsteps sounded closer to you once more, boots coming into view before the girl herself sat down in front of you, tubes of paint in hand. "I know what I'm gonna do," she smiled, "I'm gonna cover that little bruise I gave ya," she said, poking you on the cheek.

You hissed through your teeth.

"No need to thank me," she said, squeezing a blob of neon green onto the back of her hand as she began to smear the paint across your face with her thumb. "It glows in the dark," she continued to paint you for a while, drawing small explosions and 'BOOM's across your skin, paint crackling as it dried.

"There you go," she said, "all pretty for Silco".

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