00 Prologue

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"Lee Minho and Han Jisung, what a strange pair. " These are the usual thoughts that people have when they see them together.

Minho had just moved to a new city where he would have to start his life all over. As if that wasn't hard enough, his father also forced them to find a job during the summer so they would be able to pay for his lunch when school would start again. They didn't come from a wealthy family but his dad made sure that they would never feel left out. But after moving their financial status became a little worse because of all the extra costs.

Luckily there was Han Jisung, a boy who he got particularly close with despite their differences. He's very popular at school and is loved by everyone in town. As one of the most handsome guys in school and captain of the football team, he had quite a reputation. His popularity didn't end outside of the walls of the school though, in fact , the entire neighborhood knew him well.

The brunette came from a wealthy family and occasionally helped his father out with his company when he wasn't working at the bookstore in the mall, where he had also met his current boyfriend, or training for the next big football game.

The only problem was that he was still very much closeted. Mainly because of his and his family's reputation he couldn't let anyone know who he's attracted to and also due to his conservative friends. Hiding his true self seemed like something he had to do to maintain his status.

Minho on the other hand was very open about his sexuality and gender identity and unlike jisung, he wasn't very popular. They were actually more of a loner but that didn't bother him at all unless they had to pick teams during the p.e lessons, which he was also not very fond of. Their dark and maybe even scary appearance didn't make the process of making friends much easier.

He's gotten lots of negative comments in the past but didn't mind anymore. He knew who he was and was more than comfortable with it.

No one would ever think that these two would end up together but after the first day at work, they already got along. Not that long after they met Jisung decided to shoot his shot and asked Minho on a date, who didn't need to think twice about his answer.

What was is that made them both so attracted to each other?

To be honest, no one really knew, but everything went great between them.. well at least for a while . They were practically stuck to each other for the entire summer, but sadly this couldn't last forever.

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