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Chankyun's pov

What was taking them so long ? I was forced to go clubbing with them and had to wait for them too… bullshit. I sighed, looking at my phone when I heard steps coming for the stairs. I lifted my gaze from the said phone and nearly choked on air. Malycia was standing upstairs, waiting for the two others to join her. Not knowing she was the only girl to come spend time with them here, I would not have recognized her, the only hint was her long black curls falling on her shoulders. Someone next to me whistled at her and startled me. I turned my face towards Shownu who smirked at me.

Shownu : Don't leave her alone for a minute tonight.

He gave me a "It's an order" look and I nodded while rolling my eyes at him. The three Musketeers finally came down and I could feel Malycia was avoiding eye contact with me. It's not that I didn't like her, In fact I didn't quite know her since we never really talked. What I knew about her was coming from the other boys or from conversations I overheard. I sighed, heading towards the exit, taking the keys of my car on the way. It was dangerous for a girl like her to get too close to us, especially from me, that's why I was making sure she was staying far away, but tonight, looking like this, with a couple glasses of alcohol, it would be hard to resist, it was as if the two boys made her wear my favorite color on purpose and were planning something behind my back. 

The car ride was silent except for Kihyun and Minhyuk giggling in the back. Malycia was silent, playing with the seam of her dress while looking outside. I looked at her from the side a couple times, not knowing what to say. When we finally arrived at the club, I got out of the car and opened the door for the lady which made Minhyuk giggle.

Minhyuk : You don't open the door for us ?!

I glared at him and closed the door once she was out before walking towards the club. Being part of the group that owned the place had benefits, we didn't had to wait before getting in and had no cover to pay. Jooheon was at the door, working as the bouncer and smiled at us before holding the door for us. I don't know why, but seeing Malycia hug him made me clench my jaw. Why was she so outgoing and friendly with everyone like that ?! Had she no idea of the danger she was putting herself in ? Of course not. 

I looked around as the three others went directly for the bar. Spotting a booth in a corner, I went to sit there, keeping an eye on Malycia from afar. I knew she was safe at the bar since tonight Yeji was working and she was basically working here to be a watchdog besides being the main barmaid. I watched as Kihyun, Minhyuk and Malycia were laughing at something that was probably very funny, then she glanced at me for a second and our eyes met but she looked away immediately. 

Malycia's pov

Minhyuk : Come on, go sit and talk with him ! 

Me : I'm not drunk enough for that babe. 

I sighed and blushed as I met Changkyun's eyes but looked away. I emptied my glass under Kihyun's suspicious eye before ordering another one, but this time Yeji gave me two glasses, my cocktail and a glass of amber alcohol that smelled like whiskey or… Gin ? I had no idea, it was not my kind of drink. She eyed Changkyun that was now surrounded by pretty sluts eh girls and looked like he wanted to run away. Growling for myself, I took the two drunks and walked towards the booth where the dark haired man was sitting, clearing my throat when I got there. Glaring at the one that was sitting on I.M

Me : How bout you bitches get the fuck off while I sit with my boyfriend ? 

A girl raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth to reply but her friend took her hand and made a sign so she would shut up. 

Second girl : Sorry Kim Malycia unie ! 

She bowed and the other girl realized who I was and instantly got up from Changkyun's lap, bowing too before getting away. Well, being part of the Kim family had benefits after all… I looked at I.M and put his glass down before sitting on the opposite side of the booth to face him.

Me : You are welcome.

I smirked and he rolled his eyes, taking a sip of alcohol. I took a sip too, still looking at him. He was so handsome under that lightning… not that he was not handsome the rest of the time… how much alcohol did Yeji put into my drink ? Then I remembered telling her to always give me doubles… this explained that. My face felt hot as I was taking another sip, not knowing what to say or do. We stayed silent for a moment, drinking without exchanging a word or looking at each other. This night would be long as fuck. A couple of drinks later, I was watching the people dance then suddenly I felt some courage rising in me (or was it stupidity ?) and got up, looking at Changkyun. 

Me : Come dance with me. 

He looked at me as if I was crazy. 

I.M : No thanks. 

I rolled my eyes, took his glass and emptied it in one shot, wrinkling my face because of the taste, then I took him by the arm and pulled him on the dancefloor. And I dared to think Seonghwa was stuck up. Changkyun was standing there looking at me, red on his cheeks as I started to dance. Rolling my eyes, I started to ignore him and to dance with a girl nearby, eying him a couple times. Sighing, he left me there and walked towards the rear of the club, probably to go get a smoke of whatever. I watched him get away and groaned, making my way through the people to join him. He disappeared behind a door with a big "Exit" sign on it and I let rage win it over my emotions. I was drunk and drunkenness meant a wild imprévisible Malycia. I got out of the club, the door closing behind me. Its at that moment that I realized I may had put myself into deep shit as I saw I.M stare at me with a glint of fear in his eyes. I looked at the men who were surrounding us and raised an eyebrow.

Me : Am I interrupting something here ? 

A guy chuckled darkly and crossed his arms.

Guy : You brought your girlfriend to share with us, how generous of you. 

I looked at the guy.

I.M : She's just a random girl, let her go… it's with me that you have a problem apparently. 

He was tensed, something was going on here, something bad and I was not leaving the fuck alone with them. Think Maly, think fast. I tilted my head as a guy grabbed Changkyun by his coat, something clicking inside of me. 

I took my purse off my back slowly as the guy looked at me, puzzled. I made him sign to wait when I took a chewing gum and put it in my mouth before offering some to the others. Nobody moved and I shrugged, putting the pack in my purse before getting something else out. That time I had everyone's attention.

Me : You have 5 seconds to let him go.

I was dead serious, pointing a gun at the man. 

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