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*10:04 am*

I woke up to Nicholas & ace jumping on the bed I woke up I saw Leland was still asleep he rubbed his eyes looking at kids

"Nicholas, ace it's early" I yawned

"We're going slaying wake up mommy" Nicholas jumped so did ace

"Mommy" ace jumped

"Ok I'm up" I said sitting up

"Wake up daddy!" Nicholas continued to jump

"I'm up Nicholas I'm up" he sat up

"Yay" Nicholas sat down between us

I saw ace wobbling he can't stand up yet Leland sat ace down on his lap

"Nicholas how did ace come to the room?" Leland asked

"Oh I carry him in here"

"Uh--" I looked at Nicholas

"I'm hungry mommy" Nicholas looked at me

"Ok I'll get up to make breakfast did you make your bed?"

".... No"

"Nicholas go do your bed then I'll be right there ok"

"Ok" Nicholas got off the bed

Nicholas ran out the room ace was just looking at Leland smiling I went right next to Leland looking at ace

"He looks like he loves you Leland"

"Well I'm happy he does" Leland chuckled

Right when Leland chuckled ace giggled I chuckled I got off the bed going to the restroom I got some sweats & an t shirt I took a quick shower I brushed my teeth after I was done taking a shower I dried my hair I gor dressed & I brushed my hair I put socks & my slippers on I got out to ace laying down on the bed & Leland tickling him ace was laughing Leland was also laughing

"So you brought your clothes.. when" I said looking at Leland

"Last night I took the kids with me"

"Oh ok"

"Oh Leland guess what"


"I went to my job with hickeys all over me"

He looked at me smirking

"So what your mine" he said getting up from the bed

"Don't you say anything nasty ace is here!"

"I was about to but I stopped myself" he chuckled

"I know you was"

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