44| Rowan

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"I'm learning how to miss someone without wanting them back"    - Faraway

"I'm learning how to miss someone without wanting them back"    - Faraway

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~ Now ~
{ Vivienne }

"You... were alive all this time?" I questioned, staring up at him curiously as he fixed up my chest
Thankfully the bullet had gone right through. So now it was about damage control.

And being able to walk so I could slit Dinara's neck.
"Why? Why did you never say?" I asked
"You assumed I was dead, everyone thought I was, but they saved me, managed to keep me alive. So I was even more indebted to them" he said.

"Plus I... I couldn't face coming back here after what I did" he said
"You mean taking my child? Taking me? Attacking my family?" I shouted
"Yeah, I'm so sorry Viv I-"
"Shut up" I said
"Just shut up" I said, pulling myself up.

"You shouldn't be walking" he said
"And you shouldn't be alive" I bit back
His head fell down, in shame
"You have a gun?" I asked, he nodded, so I held my hand out, breathing heavily
"You have a knife?" I asked next.

I needed to stop her
But that didn't mean she was getting off lightly
I was going to give that bitch a smile from ear to ear

{ Lucian }

I looked around the garden
No one was out here
Most of dad's guards were at the front of the house
No one could get in through the garden
Clearly we hadn't taken an inside intruder into account.

"Right here, is where you would send me flowers nearly everyday, and I would wear them in my hair for you" she smiled
"You really are psychotic, for the last time I never sent you any fucking flowers! I barely ever spoke to you back then let alone my own brother! I was training" I said.

She closed her eyes for a moment in frustration
"Yes. You did" she insisted
"I would stand right there and Michail would bring them to me and tell me everything you had to say to m-"
"Michail?" I echoed
"Yes, your brothers friend? The one your wife launched off a roof 2 years ago" she clarified.

"You really think I'd ever have a word to say to that prick? He was messing with you Dinara, I never sent you shit!" I shouted
"You did you... you sent me the flowers you, you said you liked me" she said

"He was fucking with you then! Because I never said a word to him, I hated him" I said.

Whatever games they were playing didn't bother me. But Michail was the reason for her whole obsession growing even more?
I wish the fucker was alive so I could kill him myself.

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