Afternoon day 1

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It was the afternoon and you had promised to show Liam the records so you found him at the library and brought him to your dorm. Once inside he looked around, the retro colors, neon lights, and records lining the walls fascinated him. "I-" ahem... "I suppose this will do" Liam said. "It's gonna have to! " you said cheerfully grabbing the records and setting the first one on the player. A slow romance son g started to play. You blushed "I-That wasn't the right one! " you said scrambling to switch the records. His face had a slight tint and his expression was... Confusing to say the least. You switched the records and hummed to the uppity beat. You hung the romance record in it's correct spot. Since you were up and energized you started cleaning a little. After the song ended you asked Liam what he thought of it, "I suppose I could use it" you took that as a yes and gently set it on the coffee table, it was your favorite so you hoped he liked it. You played 2 more records.
Liam liked one but despised the other, you thought it was okay but that's fine, you're always going to have disagreements. Liam left and you were alone. You left your house and went to the nearest record seller. You took the records he liked and two records you absolutely hated. "Hello how can I help you. " the seller asked. You questioned the seller, "do you do trades, I have two records from the 1900" "hmmm... WAIT! IS THAT- YES IT IS WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR THEM? " The seller agreed. "Just another copy of these? " you said, "Oh! And that one too, I've been meaning to get it! " "Works with me! " the seller said handing the records to you. You finished the trade then went home you had a long day ahead of you.

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