Chapter 6

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ScorpionHeart laid in his nest and began to chew on a squirrel. FlamePaw was quickly running back and forth from the medicine den to the leader den, and back, returning with herbs. RussetFur had passed earlier that day, and BlackStar was to weak to choose a new deputy. ScorpionPaw stood up, and walked up to his brother " FlamePaw, FlamePaw, take a break... " ScorpionHeart chuckled. " But BlackStar is really sick! And LittleCloud isn't getting better, I need to check on them all, and all the prey. " FlamePaw panted. " Calm down, Let a warrior check the prey, it's all ok " ScorpionHeart rubbed his brother's forehead. " Will you check the prey, please! And I promise I'll calm down " FlamePaw mewed. " Ok, Now go " ScorpionHeart chuckled, and trotted over to the Fresh kill pile. DawnRise, OlivePaw, and StarlingPaw, all took a peice of prey. " Hey you three wait! I need to check them " ScorpionHeart called. " Why? I'm not scared of any Black prey " DawnRise snickered, and bit into her prey. DawnRise slowly looked up at ScorpionHeart, hey jaw dripped with Black gunk, and her teeth where black when she smiled. OlivePaw and StarlingPaw looked at eachother, and ate there prey aswell, there mouths also dripping. " You all need to see FlamePaw now! " ScorpionHeart gasped. " Were fine! Now if you excuse us, we have a patrol to be on! " DawnRise growled, and stalked off, the apprentices followed. ScorpionHeart growled, going to follow, and stepped through the black prey, but soon felt himself grow dizzy. After a few more steps, he collapsed.

ScorpionHearts eyes flickered open, the area around him was a dark red, there was no floor beneath him, simply a endless void. ScorpionHeart floated above the void, but felt himself shake, and before him stood a massive being, shaped as a cat. It's body was Pitch black, it's neck poured of blood, and his mouth dripped of the black goop. It's eyes where a dark red, and oddly enough, it's teeth where pure white. " Well, ScorpionHeart....we finally meet " It growled. " Who are you! " ScorpionHeart snarled, tail bristling. " You should know me well, seeing how much you have walked with me " The cat snickered, walking around ScorpionHeart. " I am DarkForest, and you, And your other stars but mainly you, have been tempering with my plans. "  It growled. " Because your going to try and destroy our clans! " ScorpionHeart hissed. " I am doing what is right, you all are to soft, now you stay out of our way! " DarkForest  snarled. " No! I'll keep fighting! " ScorpionHeart snapped back. " Fine...that black goop you all are dealing's called Dark blood..the only cats immune to it are those who walk with's a shame, BlackStar was a strong leader, and LittleCloud was oh so wise " DarkForest smirked. " No, You DIDNT! " ScoprionHeart snarled, and tried to leap towards him, but woke where he fainted.

" ScorpionHeart! ScorpionHeart it's horrible! BlackStar...LittleCloud...there dead! " FlamePaw woke him, and ScorpionHeart looked up, ears flattened. " Now whos in charge... "

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