Chapter 22

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PickleStem watched the kits tackle each other and play, GravelKit and TwigKit both nipped the others ear, VioletKit and StemKit, a small Grey tabby she, with a White underbelly, practiced there leaping skills. MintFur and CurlyTail sat side by side, chatting about the day. CurlyTail had been suspiciously rounder than before, maybe her and SandyNose had finally gotten together. PickleStem sighed, and walked over to the shelves, checking on the herbs she had. " PickleStem..." PickleStem turned, facing PebbleShine. " What, Is StarClan here to guilt trip me into listening to them after they killed You, saying it was for the best " PickleStem hissed. " I came by myself....PickleStem I was outraged when I found out about my death, how you saved me from the Black cough, but they took me for you to lose attachment to life, and just be devoted to them. I want you to know that....that even if you don't follow StarClan anymore...I'll always be here for you. Even if I'm StarClan. " PebbleShine said, lowering her head, and looking up at the she. PickleStems Green eyes went soft; and PickleStem slumped to her haunches. " I'm sorry....StarClan has just made me so angry lately...I know you will always be there for me, but you shouldn't risk yourself for me if you have kits to watch over " PickleStem mewed, and PebbleShine shook her head " Do you know Why HawkWing named StemKit, StemKit? " PebbleShine asked, sitting next to her " I always suspected it was because of her Bright green eyes...but then again I did believe in the Giant Pigeon when I was a kit " PickleStem mumbled, and chuckled slightly. " He named her after you, PickleStem, he was happy you and me bonded, he wants her to be as brave, and polite as you..." PebbleShine smiled, and PickleStem looked up " Did he really? " PickleStem asked. " Yes, and I think, that with all these kits around, one of them should be your apprentice, you always work much better when you have a partner " PebbleShine giggled. " So CurlyTail is haveing Kits! " PickleStem giggled. " Four of them, won't the clan be surprised " PebbleShine whispered, and both she's laughed. " Thank you PebbleShine, even though I may not follow your path, I'm happy we can still be friends " PickleStem smiled, and PebbleShine nodded " Take care, PickleStem " PebbleShine mewed, and gently faded away. PickleStem smiled, and trotted out to the kits, offering them a few bundles of moss.

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