Chapter 13

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" Ugh, All this water is disgusting, we can't fish in this! " PrimrosePeak growled, shaking the water out of her fur. " yeah...let's return with what we have, it's better than none, maybe GrassPelt will let me lead a Land hunting patrol later " PufferPelt meowed, and picked up the Bird he caught. " We are RiverClan, we eat fish! And besides, all that Dirt will get my Pelt all dirty! " PrimrosePeak hissed, And trotted back to camp. PufferPelt slid through the camp entrance, DownPebble was helping MossPelt and DawnFlower repair an hole in the nursery. PufferPelt felt a purr rise from out of his throat,  DownPebble was a Beautiful she, but PufferPelt felt awkward around her. " I'll ask mom for help! " PufferPelt thought, and padded up to the leaders den " Maybe we should lay low on border patrols for a bit, only go Early in the morning or late at night...Those WindClan cats have been hostile lately. " MistyStar was speaking with GrassPelt. " I understand, I'll arrange the patrols for tonight " GrassPelt mewed, and stepped out. PufferPelt watched the Tom walk down to his normal spot, talking with the senior warriors. GrassPelts fur has grown Thick sense he had become deputy, maybe he just was busy and didn't have time to clean it. " MistyStar is busy...I'll ask her later " PufferPelt mumbled, and walked down, sitting at the back of camp. " PufferPelt? What are you doing back here? " IceWing asked, tilting her head, and trotting over, MintFur at her side. " Hello IceWing, MintFur....I'm just thinking...I wanna talk to MistyStar...But she's busy " PufferPelt mumbled. " Well you can talk to us, we care for you, Not that MistyStar doesn't! I don't mean it like that- " MintFur mewed. " I get it, But it's kinda embarrassing " PufferPelt chuckled. " I had to help BeetleWhisker confess his feelings for DawnFlower, it can't be that bad " IceWing chuckled. " Well....I like DownPebble! B-but I don't like my Prophecy destiny to get her hurt! " PufferPelt confessed, his fur was puffed up. IceWing chuckled, and looked at MintFur " PufferPelt you remind me so much Of MintFur when me and him first met " IceWing chuckled, and MintFur glanced at his paws " Oh come on... " MintFur chuckled. " It's true! He was so Flustered and nervous when we met up, but when he confessed his feelings, he felt better, I think you just need to Confess to DownPebble, and you will feel much better " IceWing cooed. " Thanks...I'll try " PufferPelt sighed. " Good Luck bud, now if you excuse us, we have a Patrol to get on " MintFur smiled, and both padded off. PufferPelt smiled, and stood up, trotting over to see the kits.

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