𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦

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[ Chapter Twenty ]

Asking A Wolf How Their Day Is Going

"Preston, why don't you come with us!" Caroline suggested to her. Preston found out about a teenage party, which she would not like to go to. She'd prefer hell, thank you very much. But, the reason why Caroline was asking her was strictly because Stefan was going to show Caroline the ropes of being a vampire.

Preston debated whether or not she should go, "Caroline... as much as I love you, and you're my best friend, I do not like Stefan-"

"Just ignore him then. Come on! It'll be fun." Caroline gave her a look as she tried to convince her. "Please!" She added on.

Preston crossed her arms, looking at the ground. "Fine." She told her, letting out a sigh.

Stefan walked in, making Preston clench her jaw. Just ignore him, she told herself.

Now, time moved fast again. Preston took out her small knife, fiddling with it not so carefully.

Stefan looked at Preston, he frowned slightly when he saw the way she looked at the knife. It wasn't even directed at him, he realized it was facing her. But it was just where the tip of the knife ended up when she twirled it around.

He knew how she looked at Elena, it was as if she was a flower. He wasn't a complete idiot when it came to that. He crouched down to her level.

She narrowed her eyes at him, he stayed 6 feet away from her. "Why do you hate me?" He asked. His tone wasn't rude or an asshole tone.

Preston looked at Stefan, there was no way she was gonna be all buddy-buddy with him. "I don't know." She answered.

Stefan looked at her when she explained, "I don't trust you." He tilted his head, not understanding completely. Stefan didn't know how she grew up, he might've had a slight idea, but he didn't understand how she grew up a little too fast.

"And I don't have to justify why to you." She stood up, wandering around the forest.

She put her hands in her pockets and ended up hearing a group of teenagers talking. "Hell no." She muttered, walking away as fast as possible.

Preston sat down, taking out her journal and drew a symbol she'd seen before. It was different from the other symbols. Most of them had random lines or shapes, but this was an old fashioned m. It was inside a crest shape.

She didn't know what it was about that symbol or why it kept showing up in her mind for the past week.

Caroline and Stefan found their way over to her, to which she quickly hid her journal from them. "I'm gonna go talk to Matt... are you gonna be okay and not murder Stefan?" Caroline asked, raising her brow.

Preston rolled her eyes as Stefan laughed.

"So, what's in the secretive journal?" He wondered.

"Stuff." She replied. Preston wasn't wrong, it was technically stuff. She just didn't feel the need or want to explain it to him when she didn't tell her brothers first.

Highway To Hell ━ elena gilbert [1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now