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Nobody knows the entire story.

And now I'm here to tell.

I had a fight with a friend

And it was a pretty bad one too.

My parents found out about what

she was doing to herself,

and wouldn't allow me to be friends

with her anymore.

I didn't want to leave her,

It killed me inside,

But all those other stories,

we're rants about what I felt.

I never wanted any of this,

so why can't she drag me out?

I ment no harm, and

I'm sorry if she's hurt.

She means the world to me,

But my parents are keeping

me away.

I know she will get better,

but my parents don't think so.

I love you friend,

and I'm sorry again,

for what I put her through.

I wish I could turn back the clock,

but I know that it's too soon.

Please forgive me, because I forgive you.

I love you ♥️

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