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Listening to "The Fault In Our Stars" soundtrack makes me unbearably sad. Not because of the movie, or the fact that the movie is sad. It's because the songs on the soundtrack remind me if times I had feelings that I will never be able to feel again. It's not because I don't have the money, or that I can't put in the effort, or that I can't relive something that amazing. It's the fact that next year, I could be dead, or tired, or in the hospital. I could be anywhere in one year's time. So I am going to live. I am going to listen to good music. Drink some tea. Read a couple of books. Talk to some good friends. Skip classes, be rebelious and spend my money, because today I could be winning sports games, getting good grades, but tomorrow I could be in the hospital with needles stuck in my body, nurses strugling to keep me alive because of something stupid I'd done to myself, not realizing all the people that will miss me from years on. So today I am going to live my life the way that I want it, because isn't that all that matters?


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