Day 1- Continuation

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Ciel sat in the carriage with every bump turning his stomach. He gets like this every time he has to meet so many people. He knows he'll have to shake everyone's hand, and ugh communicate..

Sebastian again notices this, like always.. He knows how much Ciel despises these social gatherings. It only adds to the flavor of his soul though. Ciels sorrow makes Sebastian's mouth water as he grows hungrier by. The. Second.

Ciel turns to see Sebastian once again staring a little too hard at him, Ciel gives a look of disgust and confusion. All Sebastian has to give back is that sly smirk.

Finally they arrive at the gathering, this time it's inside some others manor. Not outside like usual. This made Ciel even more anxious. As he prepared himself to step out the carriage he falls to his knees. He winces "hngh!" Sebastian rushes over taking notice of his Master's weak presence. He grabs Ciel and trys to help him. "Unhand me!" He says swatting Sebastian away. Being around Sebastian right now, it was overwhelming.

Sebastian understands, and nods but his Lord's actions leave him confused. He walks to the front of the Manor and knocks. Smirking waiting for they're host to welcome them in. Ciel enjoyed the fresh air the breeze was pulling in and dreaded going into the Manor. Of course, he instantly puts on a happy smile and he's greeted by the host. Pushing aside any past feelings, and forgetting about the dream he had last night.

Suddenly there was a small voice yelling "Ciel!!~" He knew immediately who it was calling after him. Elizabeth Midford, his soon to be wife. Current fiance. They were generally happy with each other's presence and seeing her brightened Ciel day. The two begin to hug as if it was the day they first seen each other after those..months. Elizabeth jumped up and down " Ciel isn't just great that we were both invited?! Now we can go directly to the shops afterwards!"  Hearing the word shops bothered Ciel slightly. He wasn't fond of them, well at least when he had to go with Lizzy. She made him hold all the bags and soon his arms were sore from all the weight! Hes fragile, yes. But his stubborn attitude wouldn't let Lizzy know that.

"Ah, Elizabeth? What a surprise. Should we go get a drink and chat with the other men and women?" He said with a weary smile and slightly cooing voice. He was very happy to see her.

He leads her over to the beverages like any noble man would do. Just picking up a drink, his hand began to shake. "Eh- heh I'm not too thirsty at the moment, here Elizabeth." Handing the young lady his drink afraid of her noticing the trembling boy. He stands in front of her as she takes a sip. "Mmh!~ Thank you Ciel! It's very yummy!" "I'm glad you like it, Lizzy." Elizabeth blushes at her Fiance's sincere words. She smiles at him with care and love, ignoring anything trying to distract her.

Ciel feels painfully aware of his surroundings though. He's double taking at the alcohol section seeing a few drunks acting out. Nervous of getting caught up in this he leads his lady once more to the sitting area. They sit together on a couch looking in each other's eyes, smiling. Ciel begins to relax and is pleased with his partners current mood. "Ciel are you enjoying yourself?" "I am, I'm pleased with how this morning is going." Ciel replied dearing. His face flashes red as Elizabeth slides they're hands together. She's looking down at his hand. Her expression full of sorrow..Why wasn't she happy?..

"Lizzy? Are you alright?-" "Ciel." Elizabeth interrupted him. "Why don't you ever tell how you feel?" Squeezing his hand now, Ciel realizes what she meant. "Because it's nothing to worry about! I'm just tired." Ciel smiled to reassure his worried fiance. "But I worry, do I say this. Fragile.." Elizabeth didn't want to hurt her Fiance's feelings but she felt he didn't understand how serious it was for him to be "tired." Or ill! She can't remember a time where he last was truthful about how he felt.

"Elizabeth. I'm not fragile..I know you think I am but I can withstand more than you can think of." He says in a stern voice, dropping his smile and pulling his hand away. Elizabeth didn't know what to say, his immune system was never as well as hers. Elizabeth stands up quickly, and begins to walk away. Ciel wasn't feeling confident in his stance but he didn't want to leave Elizabeth worrying. He stands up quickly, just as his knees were to buckle his butler in all black stood behind him propping him up.

Sebastian says in a low tone. "Young Master, your trembling terribly. I wouldn't stand if I were you.." "Sebastian.." Ciel whispered feeling like a total failure. Just then the host speaks up. "Ladies and Gentlemen I'm here to talk about the Sudon Company and the Futons relationship! We've recently have began to work together as we found it benefited us both. I'm glad to have made acquaintance with The Ciel Earl Phantomhive!" That was obviously his cue to go up there to introduce himself. The butler swiftly hands the Earl his walking stick to assist him.

Ciel makes his way to the front as quick as he can. "It's a pleasure to be here, Lord Harrow." Ciel says with a smile.

Once the introduction was done he immediately went to an empty hallway, panting. He was exhausted and his legs could move no more. His knees buckled inwards and he started to wonder if it was something more than just the nightmare or anxiety. Clearly freaked out he called for his butler who was flirting subtly with a woman. Man whore..Ciel thought. "Sebastian!" Ciel yelled in a whisper. Sebastian looked over to see his Young Master hiding in the shadows. How unprofessional.

Nonetheless he moves towards him making an excuse as to why he must leave the maiden. "Yes my lord?" Sebastian asked. "I want to leave I'm feeling unwell." "Are you sure? You have much to do before retiring. You have to take Elizabeth shopping. You did promise her."

Ciel groaned knowing he did just a month ago. "Fetch me a cup of water instead then! I expect to be taken somewhere to eat my lunch with Elizabeth." He said irritated. Sebastian smiled and nodded. "Yes, My lord."

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