Day 1- Continuation

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Ciel feels almost obligated to push aside his own emotions for his Fiance. She seems completely over what happened early and was back to her usual self.
Ciel looked at Sebastian's professional stance and expression. This irritated Ciel far more than before, "Sebastian hurry along." He hissed.

Sebastian senses his irritation and he feels pleasure and slight resent. He chuckles to himself and replied "Heh, Of course my lord." He escorted the couple to the Plaza, keeping his place.

Elizabeth begins to squirm and shriek. "EEE! Ciel Ciel! Look look over there! That perfume OHH isn't it just so CUTE?!" Ciel looked around and stared at the perfume bottle across the road. It sat in pink wallpaper and frills, inside of the extremely bright girly shop.

"Huh? That one?"
"Ooh!~ Yes yes! Ciel I want it, I want it!"
"Hm, Sebastian." Ciel said confusedly, snapping to get Sebastian's attention. "Yes, My lord. Come along Lady Elizabeth."
"No! I want Ciel to come with me! Please?!" She cried, giving Sebastian puppy dog eyes. "Young Master, It seems Lady Elizabeth wants my lord to accompany her."
"It seems so.." Ciel sighs.

"Yay!" Elizabeth squeals grabbing her lovers hand.
Elizabeth ran into the shop pulling Ciel by the arm behind her. He was trying to keep up but his legs were working against him. He stumbled as her tried to keep up with Elizabeth. "W-wait Lizzy!" Ciel called.
"We're almost there, Ciel!"
He reluctantly followed behind. They made it past the crowd of people and found themselves infront of the perfume bottle. Elizabeth carefully picked up the bottle.
"Ciel look!" She sprayed some in the air.

"Mmh~ It's smells delightful, doesn't it?"
Ciel could smell the strong scent, it was harsh on his nose, though it smelt good.
"I must say it isn't the worst thing in the world." Elizabeth beamed to her Fiance's words."
Then it's settled I must buy this!"
Ciel grabbed the perfume from Lizzy's grasp not bothering to see the price tag. When a man shoved him out of the way.
"Hey! What the bloody hell is a boy like you doing buying perfume?!" He growled
Ciel held his composure as he grew furious. "If it's any of your concern, I'm buying this for my Fiance. And it's Lord Phantomhive." He said with a mostly dull expression not allowing his eyes to wonder off. Staring directly in the man's eyes, shooting daggers.
"Your far too young to be an Earl. HAH, you've got to be joking me." He looked the small boy up and down. Scoffing at the possibility of him being an Earl.
He grabbed Ciel's wrist tightly, "Hand it over, boy."

Ciel now realized there was only one of those pink bottles. This only slightly concerned the Earl. Ciel pulled away quickly. "Not a chance, now if you'll excuse me."

The man snapped back and grabbed Ciel's shoulders. Gripping his small body, inching his face closer to Ciel.

Ciel winces "hngh- Unhand me!"

"Ciel!! No, unhand him you ill mannered man!" Her voice shook and echoed in fear.

Catching the attention of multiple people and employees. "What's going on over here?!" The head of the staff yelled.

Ciel's small shoulders trembling under the pressure as he squeezed his eyes shut in pain. The yell of the employee scared the man because he jumped and squeezed tighter before dropping Ciel to the floor.
A pop came from the boys shoulder as he fell crashing to the crowd.
"This man harassed me and my fiance!" Elizabeth yelled with tears in her eyes.
"I-I that's not true!.."
"Wait.. is that? The lord Phantomhive?!" The employee shouted frightened.
"My lord, I apologize. We'll have this man arrested immediately!" They shouted.
"I'd like to make my purchase, as from what was the point of coming here." Ciel said with a pained look on his face.
"Right away My lord!"An employee shouted frightened.
After being checked out, Ciel is frustrated and confused where his butler went off too. "Where the hell is he?" Ciel muttered. Not too far from where Ciel stood he saw his butler being yelled at across the street. Sebastian with a straight face taking every insult keeping his composure.

"You damn idiot! Your a mere servant listen to those above you!" Yelled a familiar voice. Ciel knew instantly who the man was yelling. That was Lord Heller, a terrible man he is. He and Ciel aren't on good terms nor was his father and he. Lord Heller was a difficult man to befriend, because of his short and hot temper. He always thought he was the center of the world and everyone involved around him.
Reluctantly Ciel marched towards the men as Lord Heller grabbed Sebastian's collar. And with that,
Sebastian knocked him flat. He had swiftly thrown a punch leaving the lord on the pavement. Ciel stood next to his Butler looking down at the man. "Keep your hands off my butler." And went on his way. "I apologize young master for I was being distracted. I'll have a carriage come for Elizabeth and take you home immediately." Sebastian said disappointed.
"You do that." Ciel mumbled. The pain in his arm didn't feel as bad as the anger he felt. Once more he was defiled. He was shaking with pain and anger when Sebastian scooped him up. "Ah, how fragile you are." He said with a concerned look, and ran off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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