A Yandere | An Exchange Student Part 2

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Warning: the story involves a forced relationship, mentioned the word killing, murder, strong desires for the person, possessive, kidnapping, and forced sex (rape). If anyone is bad with this, I recommend switching to another chapter other than risking to read them all.


(Yes part 2 is here, just gonna finish them ya know and also enjoy watching Wayne becoming a whole yandere here lmao)

"Don't think you can get away Benjamin.... I swear I will make everyone get away from you just so I can make you mine...." Wayne smirked as he then goes to his classroom as well.

In the classroom, Benjamin was focusing on his maths while the teacher explained how multiplying works. Which in fact that he's good at it. "Can anyone answer this question?" The teacher asked the students as Wayne was caught off guard then the teacher chooses Wayne. "Wayne, can you answer them?" Wayne stood up while he didn't understand. "I...." All of the sudden, his fangirls were gossiping about him again. "Awww, he's so cute when he doesn't know the answer." All of his fangirls start to mutter as the teacher had enough. "Enough! Do you want to get sent to the teacher's office when you can't focus math properly?!" Wayne's fangirls were surprised as they quiet down. "Oh, my Lord, girls these days." The teacher click his tongue as he still awaited Wayne's answer.

Benjamin, on the other hand, can't help to see Wayne being bad at math as he takes his place. "Teacher, I can answer that." The teacher looks at Benjamin as his expression softened when he heard him. "Alright Benjamin, you can take his place. You, Wayne. As for your punishment, Benjamin will teach you instead. I do not want to hear you complain when it comes to me." The teacher sighed so long as Benjamin finally answer his question.

"At least Benjamin does not lack his mathematics than you all, except for class representative. Now then classes over!" The school bell finally rings as Wayne came up to Benjamin. "Hey, about earlier, sorry about that..." "No need to worry, I was like that too. I thought math was boring but as soon time passed, I went cramming so hard that I've changed my mind about the subject. It was hard at first, but I've learned it." Wayne looks at him as Benjamin's face was serious about it. "I'll see.... Now I understand why people never like you about your intelligence." Wayne smile as Benjamin looks at him. "You compliment me? I'm just nothing other than an idiot you know." Benjamin brushes off about himself as he thinks negatively.

"Don't think of that, I like that about you." Benjamin was startled as he felt embarrassed. "Don't say weird things, I like women." Benjamin gets up from his seat as he calls out to Wayne. "The subject now is P.E, let's go change in here, the girls are already gone."

Wayne smiled as he changed his clothes. After they were done changing, they went to the school field as they waited for the teacher. "Hey Wayne, about what you said during recess..." Wayne looks at him. "Hm?" "What do you want from me? I'm not that special you know. I'm just a decent human being that was called stupid. And let's not forget that I'm a nerd of mathematics." Benjamin looks down while the rest of the students play different games since the teacher was absent. Wayne looks at Benjamin's upset face as he drags him to a deserted place.

"Wayne?" Benjamin mumbles his name while being pinned down by him again.

"Hey.... You've done this to me last time...." He anxiously exclaimed as Wayne was making a scary face to make him feel scared. Wayne touches Benjamin's chin as if he were to kiss him but was stopped by Violet. "Benjamin, there you are, you need to help me put away the sports equipment," Violet added as Wayne gets up from the ground. "By the way, why are you with Wayne?" Benjamin doesn't know how to talk to her as Wayne helps him "There's really nothing, Miss Violet, you two go on." He smiles, acting the situation has never happened. "Okay...." Violet felt nervous as Benjamin went along with her. "I swear to God that you should never go to my face asshole." He clicks his tongue so angrily to the point he leaves the school as the school bell rings.

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