Chapter 9 - Unconditionally

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"I was actually going to tell you the same thing..." Giyuu takes you by the hand. "I feel the exact same way about you but I didn't know if I should've told you or not. You are my best friend and that means everything to me. But I always wished to become more than just friends. I have always loved you." Giyuu slowly pulls you to his face. "Of course I will go out with you." You both close your eyes and he presses his lips against yours and you both sink into a kiss. His lips were soft and gentle. This was everything that you've ever wanted and more. Giyuu was in love with you and you were in love with him. It truly felt surreal. You both pull away from your loving kiss. Your heartbeat was going crazy. "Y/n, you make the happiest person alive. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." Giyuu whispers to you. You wrap your arms around his neck as he gently pats your back. "Let's go back to the headquarters before it gets dark." You say. You both make it back to the headquarters. "I heard that the other Hashiras are going to have a game night. Do you want to join in?" Giyuu turns to you. "That sounds fun, let's do it." You reply. You make it to the lounge room and sit down next to Mitsuri. "Y/n-san!! Are you here to join in with our game?" Mitsuri questions. "Yeah, we are." You respond. "How did it go..?" She whispers into your ear. "He feels the same way and we're dating now." That could take a while to get used to saying. You are dating Giyuu. Mitsuri gentle claps her hands. "I told you so". She whispers. You roll your eyes. "Anyway, what are we playing?" You ask. "Oh, we're just playing 'who's more likely to...'" Mitsuri responds. "Alright, let's play." You say.

Two more years fly by. You're meditating in the garden when you hear someone shouting your name. Alert, you quickly turn around. "Y/N!! WE NEED YOU OUTSIDE." Mitsuri yells from outside the headquarter walls. You quickly pace over to the entrance with a hand on your sword. As you leave the headquarters, you see all the Hashiras in a horizontal line, looking at you with smiles on their faces. They then step to the side, revealing Giyuu. "What's going on?" You ask. Giyuu walks forward to you. "Y/n... I appreciate you so much in my life and I would like to have you by my side forever." He gets down on a knee and holds a box. You eyes already fill with tears... "Will you marry me?" You cup his cheeks with your hands. "I will marry you, Tomioka Giyuu." And with that, you both kiss each other. The other Hashiras cheer and clap with joy. Love is amazing.

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