Nightly queen

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Dear owl
Dear nightly queen
Does your eyes witness us in our darkest of hours?
Does your wings when spread hint at deaths call?
Like your bretheren the Raven.
Do you fear daylight as much as we fear the dark?

Dear wise owl
What creatures of faulness do you lay witness too?
What sins of man taints your home?
What screams of fear and death
Do you hear beggin for mercy?

Dear nightly queen
Guide me!
Show me the way of the night!
Teach me!
The ways of the owls of the woods
Show me!
That which can only be seen from the sky!

Make me one of you!
Or make me a deaths messenger!
For long have i been deaths follower
Deaths helper

Dear beautiful nightly queen
Do you hear me?
Like i hear you?
Do you see me?
Like i see you?

Do you ever notice it?
Or does your daily slumber
Hide the messages and hints i leave for thee?

For i hear your song
Like a siren call
It draws me ever closer to you
It's melancolic tone
Tells a story that only few will understand

Could it be the song your lover left you?
Could it be your call for me to come to you?

Dear queen of Owls
Guardian of the nightly woods
Why is our life so insignificant?
Why must we taint your home for our own pleassure?

Dear nightly queen
What will happen when i find thee?
Shall i become your mortal servant?
A knight of the night?
Or shall i become your king?

Dear nightly queen

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